Type | Total | Note | |
International | Journal Papers | 102 |
SCI(17), SCIE(81), SCOPUS(4) |
Editorials | 6 | SCIE(6) | |
Conference Papers | 173 | ||
Patents | 1 | ||
Lecture Notes / Book Chapters | 17 | ||
Books | 2 | ||
Domestic | Journal Papers | 21 | |
Conference Papers | 95 | ||
Patents | 23 | ||
Books | 2 | ||
Software Registration | 34 | ||
Ph.D. Dissertations | 10 | ||
Master Thesis | 31 | ||
Total Sum | 517 | SCI(17), SCIE(81), SCOPUS(4) |
International Journal Papers
102. (SCIE) IF8.2, JCR top 3.4%. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Mahnoor Ajmal, Dongkyun Kim and Gautam Srivastava, Federated Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation in NR-V2X Mode 2, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Early Access, 26 March 2025
101. (SCIE) IF6.3, JCR top 11.8%. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ali Jamshed, Idiris Abdul Hameed, Ali Nauman, Dongkyun Kim, Twin Delayed DDPG(TD3)-based Edge Server Selection for 5G-Enabled Industrial and C-ITS Applications, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Early Access, 25 Feburary 2025
100. (SCIE) IF8.2, JCR top 3.4%. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ali Jamshed, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Ali Nauman, and Dongkyun Kim, Knowledge-Empowered Distributed Learning Platform in Internet of Unmanned Aerial Agents to Support NR-V2X Communication, IEEE Internet of Things Journal , Early Access, 20 January 2025
99. (SCIE) IF6.7, JCR top 3.6%. Ayesha Siddiqa, Junho Seo, Malik Muhammad Saad and Dongkyun Kim, Optimizing Spectral Efficiency: An SNV Scheme for IoT-Enabled CF mMIMO Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering ,Volume: 12, Issue:1, January-February 2025
98. (SCIE) IF6.1, JCR top 12.7%. Mahnoor Ajmal, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Malik Muhammad Saad, Sunghyun Kim and Dongkyun Kim, Scalable Cell-free Massive MIMO Networks Using Resource-Optimized Backhaul and PSO-driven Fronthaul Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 74, Issue: 1,January 2025
97. (SCIE) IF8.5, JCR top 2.5%. Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Yalew Zelalem Jembre, Malik Muhammad Saad, Safdar Hussain Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dongkyun Kim, Proactive Content Retrieval Based on Value of Popularity in Content-centric Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume: 25, Issue: 8, August 2024
96. (SCIE) Mahnoor Ajmal, Ayesha Siddiqa, Bomi Jeong, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, "Cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output challenges and opportunities: A survey", ICT Express, Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2024
95. (SCOPUS) Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Dongkyun Kim, Non-Terrestrial Networks: An Overview of 3GPP Release 17 & 18, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2024
94. (SCIE) Muhammad Ashar Tairq, Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, DRL-based Resource Management in Network Slicing for Vehicular Applications, ICT Express, Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2023.
93. (SCIE) IF 10.6, JCR top 1.8%. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Siddiqa Ayesha, Dongkyun Kim, Analytical Models for Distributed Resource Allocation in NR-V2X Mode 2, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Early Access 31 October 2023
92. (SCIE) IF 6.8, JCR top 14.0%. Abdueli Paulo Mdee, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo and Dongkyun Kim, Security Compliant and Cooperative Pseudonyms Swapping for Location Privacy Preservation in VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 72, Issue 8, August 2023
91. (SCIE) Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Malik Muhammad Saad, Md. Mahmudul Islam, Dongkyun Kim, AI-enabled Reliable Delay Sensitive Communication Mechanism in IoUT using CoAP, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 23, Issue 16, August 2023
90. (SCIE) Md. Shahjalal, Woojun Kim, Waqas Khalid, Seokjae Moon, Murad Khan, ShuZhi Liu, Suhyeon Lim, Eunjin Kim, Deok-Won Yun, Joohyun Lee, Won-Cheol Lee, Seung-Hoon Hwang, Dongkyun Kim, Jang-Won Lee, Heejung Yu, Youngchul Sung, Yeong Min Jang, Enabling technologies for AI empowered 6G massive radio access networks, ICT Express, Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 341-355, June 2023
89. (SCIE) Ru Yang, Ayesha Siddiqa, Mahnoor Ajmal, Bomi Jeong, and Dongkyun Kim, Junction Selection Based on Optimal-Weighted Multiple Attributes for VANETs, Electronics, Volume 12, Issue 4, February 2023.
88. (SCIE) Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Gautam Srivastava, Rutvij H, Mahmudul Islam and Dongkyun Kim, Cooperative Vehicular Networks: An Optimal Stopping and Machine Learning Approach, Elsevier Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 103, Issue 108348, October 2022.
87. (SCIE) Abdueli Paulo Mdee, Malik Muhammad Saad, Murad Khan, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Dongkyun Kim, Impacts of location-privacy preserving schemes on vehicular applications, Vehicular Communications, Volume 36, Issue C, August 2022.
86. (SCIE) Md. Mahmudul Islam, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Dongkyun Kim, Dynamic positioning of UAVs to improve network coverage in VANETs, Vehicular Communications, Volume 36, August 2022.
85. (SCIE) Murad Khan,Junho Seo, and Dongkyun Kim, Modeling of the Intelligent Sensor Duty Cycling for Smart Home Automation, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Volume 19, Issue 3, July 2022.
84. (SCIE) Adnan Fida,Adnan Iftikhar,Muhammad Azfar Yaqub,Dongkyun Kim, Coordinated throughput optimization for mobile sensor networks under heterogeneous fading conditions, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Volume 33, Issue2, Feb 2022.
83. (SCIE) IF18.6, JCR top 1.4%. Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Junaid Akram, Dongkyun Kim, SPICE-IT: Smart COVID-19 pandemic controlled eradication over NDN-IoT, Elsevier Information Fusion, Volume 74, pp. 50-64,October 2021.
82. (SCIE) Ayesha Siddiqa, Muhammad Diyan, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Malik Muhammad Saad, Dongkyun Kim, Mitigating Broadcasting Storm using Multihead Nomination Clustering in Vehicular Content Centric Networks, MDPI Electronics.10,2270, September 2021.
81. (SCIE) IF11.2, JCR top 3.8%. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Dongkyun Kim, Advancements in Vehicular Communication Technologies: C-V2X and NR-V2X Comparison, IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 59, No. 8, pp. 107-113, August 2021.
80. (SCIE) Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan,Malik Muhammad Saad, Yang Ru, Junho Seo, and Dongkyun Kim, Aspects of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs) path Planning: Overview and Applications, International Journal of Communication Systems, Volume 34, Issue 10, April 2021.
79. (SCIE) Md. Mahmudul Islam, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Malik Muhammad Saad, and Dongkyun Kim, Software-defined Vehicular Network (SDVN): A survey on Architecture and Routing, Journal of Systems Architecture, Volume 114, pp.101961, March 2021.
78. (SCIE) Malik Muhammad Saad,Farrukh Aziz Bhatti,Adnan Zafar,Sobia Jangsher,Dongkyun Kim,and Moazam Maqsood, Air‐interface virtualization using filter bank multicarrier and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing configurations, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Volume 32, Issue 2, February 2021.
77. (SCIE) Murad Khan,Junho Seo, and Dongkyun Kim, Towards Energy Efficient Home Automation: A Deep Learning Approach MDPI Sensors,Volume 20, Issue 24, pp.7187, December 2020.
76. (SCIE) Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Murad Khan, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, and Dongkyun Kim, Enhancements and Challenges in CoAP—A Survey MDPI Sensors, Volume 20, Issue 21, November 2020.
75. (SCIE)Sungwon Lee, Yeongjoon Bae, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo,and Dongkyun Kim, Avoiding Spurious Retransmission over Flooding-Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2020, August 2020
74. (SCIE) Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, and Dongkyun Kim, An Improved Push-based Protocol for Critical Data Dissemination in Vehicular Named Data Networks, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Volume 36, No. 4 pp. 837-849, July 2020.
73. (SCIE) Murad Khan, Junho Seo, and Dongkyun Kim, Real-Time Scheduling of Operational Time for Smart Home Appliances based on Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Access, Volume 8, pp. 116520-116534 June.2020.
72. (SCIE) Sungwon Lee, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, and Dongkyun Kim, Neighbor Aware Protocols for IoT Devices in Smart Cities—Overview, Challenges and Solutions, MDPI Electronics, Volume 9, Issue 6 pp. 902 May.2020.
71. (SCIE) Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Syed Hassan Ahmed, and Dongkyun Kim, AUV-Aided Energy-Efficient Clustering in the Internet of Underwater Things, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking,vol.3,no.4,pp.1132-1141, December 2019.
70. (SCIE) Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk, and Dongkyun Kim, Towards Energy Efficient Duty Cycling in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, Multimedia Tools and Applications. Volume 78, Issue 21, pp. 30057-30079, November 2019.
69. (SCIE) Eunbae Moon, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Hyeongcheol Park, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, OMRI-MAC: Optimized Multi-transmission Receiver-Initiated MAC in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Personal Communications Volume 107, Issue 3 pp. 1491-1505, August 2019.
68. (SCIE) Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Jembre Yalew, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, REMEDY: Receiver-initiated MAC based on Energy-efficient Duty-cycling in the IoUT, IEEE Access, Volume 7, pp. 105202-105211, July 2019.
67. (SCIE) IF8.7, JCR top 2.3%. Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Zelalem Jembre Yalew and Dongkyun Kim, An Energy-efficient Data Collection Protocol with AUV Path Planning in the Internet of Underwater Things, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 135, pp. 20-31, June 2019.
66. (SCI) IF8.5, JCR top 2.5%. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Dongkyun Kim and Houbing Song, DIFS: Distributed Interest Forwarder Selection in Vehicular Named Data Networks, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Volume 19, Issue 9, pp. 3076-3080, September 2018.
65. (SCIE) IF 6.8, JCR top 14.0%. Safdar Hussain Bouk, Kyung-Joon Park, Yongsoon Eun, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Jaime Lloret and Dongkyun Kim, LAPEL: hop Limit based Adaptive PIT Entry Lifetime for Vehicular Named Data Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Volume 67, Issue 7, pp. 5546-5557, July 2018.
64. (SCIE) Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, and Dongkyun Kim, Asking Neighbors a Favor: Cooperative Video Retrieval using Cellular Networks in VANETs, Vehicular Communications, Volume 12, pp. 39-49, February 2018.
63. (SCI) IF8.5, JCR top 2.5%. Syed Hassan Ahmed, DiXiao Mu, and Dongkyun Kim, Improving Bivious Relay Selection in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 19, No. 3, pp. 987-995, February 2018.
62. (SCIE) Guhyoung Kwon, Eunbae Moon, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, Position-freshness Based Intermediate Vehicle Filtering Layer with Intersection Detection for VANET, Journal of Internet Technology, Volume 19, No. 1(30). pp.307-313 January, 2018.
61. (SCOPUS) Hyeongcheol Park, Sungwon Lee, Eunbae Moon and Dongkyun Kim, Cooperative DDNS based Home IoT platform using Home Gateway in Dynamic IP address Environment, Information Journal, Volume 20, No. 9(A), pp. 6461-6468, September, 2017.
60. (SCI) IF11.2, JCR top 3.8%. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar H. Bouk, Dongkyun Kim, Danda B. Rawat and Houbing Song, Named Data Networking for Software Defined Vehicular Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 55, No. 8, 2017. (Date of Publication: 09 August 2017).
59. (SCIE) A. N. Alvi, M. A. Yaqub, N. Javaid, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar. H. Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, An Improved IEEE 802.15.4 Superframe Structure with Minimum Delay and Maximum CFP Link Utilization, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN), Volume 35, No. 1-2, pp. 151-171, April 2017.
58. (SCIE) Sungwon Lee, Yonghwan Jeong, Eunbae Moon and Dongkyun Kim, An Efficient MOP Decision Method Using Hop Interval for RPL-Based Underwater Sensor Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 93, No. 4, pp. 1027-1041, April 2017.
57. (SCI) IF11.2, JCR top 3.8%. Safdar Hussain Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dongkyun Kim and Houbing Song, Named Data Networking based ITS for Smart Cities, IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume. 55, No. 1, January 2017. (Date of Publication: 19 January 2017).
56. (SCIE) Safdar H. Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, Delay Tolerance in Underwater Wireless Communications: A Routing Perspective, Mobile Information Systems, Volume. 2016, November 2016.
55. Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, Named Data Networking-based Smart Home, ICT Express, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 130–134, September 2016.
54. (SCIE) Syed Hassan Ahmed, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Safdar Hussain Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, SmartCop: Enabling Smart Traffic Violations Ticketing in Vehicular Named Data Networks, Mobile Information Systems, Volume 2016, 29 May 2016.
53. (SCI) IF 6.8, JCR top 14.0%. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar H. Bouk, Muhammad A. Yaqub, Dongkyun Kim, Houbing Song, Jaime Lloret, CODIE: COntrolled Data and Interest Evaluation in Vehicular Named Data Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 65, Issue 6, pp. 3953–3963, June 2016.
52. (SCIE) Sungwon Lee, Dongkyun Kim, An Energy Efficient Vehicle to Pedestrian Communication Method for Safety Applications, Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 86, Issue 4, pp. 1845–1856, February 2016.
51. (SCI) Safdar Hussain Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Dongkyun Kim and Mario Gerla, DPEL: Dynamic PIT Entry Lifetime in Vehicular Named Data Networks, IEEE Communications Letters, Volume 20, No. 2, pp. 336–339, February 2016.
50. (SCIE) A. Ahmad, N. Javaid, Syed Hassan Ahmed, S. H Bouk, M. Ilahi and Dongkyun Kim, COME: Cost Optimization with Multi-chaining for Energy efficient communication in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, IJAHUC, Volume 20, No.3, pp.186-198, November 2015.
49. (SCIE) Safdar Hussain Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, Hierarchical and Hash based Naming with Compact Trie Management Scheme for VCCN, Elsevier Computer Communications, Volume 71, pp 73-83, November 2015.
48. (SCI) Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, RUFS: RobUst Forwarder Selection in Vehicular Content-centric Networks, IEEE Communications Letters, Volume 19, No. 9, pp. 1616-1619, September 2015.
47. (SCIE) Safdar. H. Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Babatunji and Dongkyun Kim, Outage Minimization Using Bivious Relaying Scheme in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks, Wireless Personal Communications (WPC), Volume 84, Issue 4, pp 2679-2692, October 2015.
46. (SCIE) A. N. Alvi, S. H. Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed, M. A. Yaqub, N. Javaid and Dongkyun Kim, Enhanced TDMA based MAC Protocol for Adaptive Data Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), Volume 17, Issue 3, June 2015.
45. (SCIE) Safdar H. Bouk, Gwanghyeon Kim, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, Hybrid Adaptive Beaconing in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks: A Survey, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Article ID 390360, February 2015.
44. (SCIE) Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, Target RSU Selection with Low Scanning Latency in WiMAX-enabled Vehicular Networks, Mobile Networks and Applications, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp 239-250 April 2015.
43. (SCIE) Hyunwoo Kang, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dongkyun Kim and Yun-Su Chung, Routing Protocols for Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks: A Survey, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2015, Article ID 325027, 9pages, November 2014.
42. (SCI) Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, ROFF: RObust and Fast Forwarding in vehicular ad-hoc networks, Volume 14, Issue 7 EEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, June 2015.
41. (SCIE) Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, ACK Loss-aware RTO Calculation Algorithm over Flooding-based Routing, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Volume E97-D, No.11, November 2014.
40. (SCIE) Hong-jong Jeong, Ved P. Kafle, Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, HIMALIS-VI: Fast and Secure Mobility Management Scheme Based on HIMALIS for V2I Services in Future Networks, Wireless Personal Communications: Volume 78, Issue 4 (2014), Page 2009-2023, October 2014.
39. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dongkyun kim, S.H. Bouk and N. Javaid, Error Control Based Energy Minimization for Cooperative Communication in WSN, ACM SigApp Applied Computing Review, ACR, Volume 14, No.3, September 2014.
38. (SCIE) Asanka Sayakkara, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, The Feasibility of Exploiting IEEE 802.11n for Addressing MAC Layer Overheads in UASNs, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2014, Article ID 292538, 6 pages, September 2014.
37. Abdul Wahid, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, An Environment-aware Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, Volume 8, Issue 2-3, pages 228-242, 2015.
36. (SCIE) Abdul Wahid, Sungwon Lee, Dongkyun Kim and Kyungshik Lim, MRP: A Localization-free Multi-layered Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 77, Issue 4, Page 2997-3012, August 2014.
35. (SCIE) Young-Duk Kim, Soon Kwon, Joon-Woo Son and Dongkyun Kim, Design and Performance Verification of Dynamic Load Aware Geographic Routing Protocol in IEEE 802.15.4a Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Article ID 848475, 9 pages, May 2014.
34. (SCIE) Kyuhyung Kim, Sungwon Lee, Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, Agriculture Sensor-Cloud Infrastructure and Routing Protocol in the Physical Sensor Network Layer, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2014, Article ID 437535, 12 pages, March 2014.
33. (SCIE) Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, Two Fast Retransmit Techniques in UWSNs with ACK indiscretion Problem, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Article ID 160541, 9 pages, February 2014.
32. (SCIE) Young-Duk Kim, Yeon-Mo Yang, Won-Seok Kang and Dongkyun Kim, On the Design of Beacon based Wireless Sensor Network for Agricultural Emergency Monitoring Systems, Computer Standards & Interfaces, Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 288–299, February 2014.
31. (SCIE) Young-Duk Kim, Kook-Rae Cho, Hui-Sup Cho and Dongkyun Kim, A Cross-Layer Channel Access and Routing Protocol for Medical-Grade QoS Support in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, November 2013.
30. (SCIE) Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, Dynamic Channel Coordination Schemes for IEEE 802.11p/1609 Vehicular Networks: A Survey, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2013, Article ID 827317, 8 pages, September 2013.
29. (SCI) Youngduk Kim, Wonseok Kang, Kookrea Cho and Dongkyun Kim, RMRP: A Reliable MAC and Routing Protocol for Congestion in IEEE802.15.4 based Wireless Sensor Networks, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Volume E96-B, No.12, Article ID 2013SUP0004, December 2013.
28. (SCIE) Kyuhyung Kim, Dongkyun Kim and Dongkwon Kim, Redundant-Path Scheme for Efficient Interworking between a Wireless Sensor Network and the Internet, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2013, Article ID 813070, 9 pages, July 2013.
27. (SCIE) Dongseung Shin, Daeyoup Hwang and Dongkyun Kim, DFR: An Efficient Directional Flooding-Based Routing Protocol in Underwater Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 12, Issue 17, pp. 1277–1527, December 2012.
26. (SCIE) Abdul Wahid, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, A Reliable and Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Communication Systems (online), October 2012.
25. (SCIE) Hong-Jong Jeong, Sungwon Lee, Dongkyun Kim, Kyungshik Lim and Jungsoo Park, Proxy Protocol and PMIPv6 based Mobility Management for IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks, INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume.15, No.7, pp. 2985-3004, July 2012.
24. (SCIE) Abdul Wahid and Dongkyun Kim, An Energy Efficient Localization-free Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2012, Article ID 307246, pp. 11, April 2012.
23. (SCI) Hongseok Yoo, Moonjoo Shim and Dongkyun Kim, Dynamic Duty-Cycle Scheduling Schemes for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Communications Letters, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp.202-204, February 2012.
22. (SCIE) Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, Repetition-based Cooperative Broadcasting for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, Computer Communications, Volume 34, Issue 15, pp. 1870-1882, September 2011.
21. (SCIE) Hongseok Yoo, Moonjoo Shim and Dongkyun Kim, A scalable multi-sink gradient-based routing protocol for traffic load balancing, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011:85, September 2011.
20. (SCIE) Dongseung Shin, Dongkyun Kim and Jin Wook Lee, A Reliable Watchdog Protocol with Two-way Mutual Confirmation in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks, INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 14, no.5, May 2011.
19. (SCOPUS) Abdul Wahid and Dongkyun Kim, Analyzing Routing Protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, Volume 2, No. 3, December 2010.
18. (SCIE) Hyunwoo Kang and Dongkyun Kim, Vector Routing Protocols for Delay Tolerant Networks, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 6, No. 1, pp. 40-52, July 2010.
17. (SCI) IF 6.8, JCR top 14.0%. Dongkyun Kim, Hong-jong Jeong, C.K.Toh and Sutaek Oh, Passive Duplicate Address Detection Schemes for On-Demand Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 58, No. 7, pp. 3558-3568, September 2009.
16. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim and Hongseok Yoo, Performance Improvement of TCP in Ad Hoc Networks by Mitigating Channel Contention, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 9, No. 10, pp. 1414-1429, October 2009.
15. (SCIE) Dongseung Shin and Dongkyun Kim, 3DMRP: 3-Directional Zone-Disjoint Multipath Routing Protocol, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume E92-D, No.4, pp. 620-629, April 2009.
14. (SCI) Dongkyun Kim and Hongseok Yoo, TCP Performance Improvement considering ACK Loss in Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Communications and Networks, Volume 10, No. 1, pp. 98-107, March 2008.
13. (SCIE) Hong-Jong Jeong, Uhjin Joung and Dongkyun Kim, Overlay multicasting for small group application in MANETs, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 2, No. 4, pp. 215-224, 2007.
12. (SCIE) C.K.Toh, G. Guichal, DK Kim and Victor Li, Service Location Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 2, No. 4, pp. 250-262, 2007.
11. (SCIE) Juan-Carlos Cano, Pietro Manzoni, Dongkyun Kim and C.K Toh, A Low-Complexity Routing Algorithm with Power Control for Self-Organizing Short-Range Wireless Networks, Wireless Personal Communication, Volume 41, Number 3, May 2007.
10. (SCI) IF 6.8, JCR top 14.0%. Dongkyun Kim, Hanseok Bae and C.K.Toh, Improving TCP-Vegas performance over MANET routing protocols, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 56, Issue 1, pp. 372 - 377, January 2007.
9. (SCOPUS) Joungsik Kim and Dongkyun Kim , Energy-efficient data gathering techniques using multiple paths for providing resilience to node failures in wireless sensor networks, Journal of Communications (JCM, ISSN 1796-2021) , Volume 1, No. 3, June 2006.
8. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim and C.K.Toh, F-PCM: A Fragmentation-based Power Control MAC Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 6, Issue 5, August 2006.
7. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim and Hanseok Bae, Improving the Performance of TCP-Vegas over OLSR MANET routing protocol, IEICE transactions on Information and Systems, vol.e89-d, no.1, pp. 351-353, January 2006.
6. Dongkyun Kim, A New Mobile Environment: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET), IEEE Vehic. Tech. Soc. News, pp. 29-35, August 2003.
5. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim, Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Katia Obraczka, Juan-Carlos Cano and Pietro Manzoni, Routing Mechanisms for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on the Energy Drain Rate, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 2, no.2, 2003.
4. (SCI) Dongkyun Kim, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, GAHA and GAPA : Two Link-level Approaches for Supporting Link Asymmetry in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Volume 86, no.4, pp.1297 -1306, 2003.
3. (SCI) Dongkyun Kim, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, TCP-BuS : Improving TCP Performance in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Communications and Networks, Volume 3, no.2, pp. 175 -186, 2001.
2. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim and C.-K. Toh, Mobile Multicasting in Wireless ATM Networks, ACM Mobile Networks and Applications, Volume 5, no.2, pp. 103-110, 2000.
1. (SCI) Dongkyun Kim, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, Location-aware Long-life Route Selection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE ELECTRONICS LETTERS, Volume 36, no.18, pp. 1584 -1586, 2000.
International Editorials
6. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim, Houbing Song, Juan C. Cano, and Wei Wang, Efficient Data Forwarding in Internet of Things and Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2018, Article ID 1736562, 2 pages, September 2018.
5. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim, Juan-Carlos Cano, Wei Wang, Guest Editorial: Future Wireless Access Networks, Journal of Internet Technology 2015, Vol.16 No.6, November 2015.
4. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim, Juan C. Cano, Wei Wang, Floriano De Rango and Kun Hua, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks 2015, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Volume 2015, Article ID 623042.
3. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim, Juan C. Cano, Wei Wang, Flriano De Rango and Kun Hua, Vehicular Delay Tolerant and Sensor Networks: Protocols and Applications, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2015(2015), Article ID 463539.
2. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim, Juan Carlos Cano, Wei Wang, Floriano De Rango and Kun Hua, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2014, Article ID 860813, 2 pages, April 2014.
1. (SCIE) Dongkyun Kim, Juan Carlos Cano, Wei Wang, Floriano De Rango and Kun Hua, Data Disseminations in Vehicular Environments, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2013, Article ID 291635, December 2013.
International Conference Papers
173. Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Mahnoor Ajmal, Malik Muhammad Saad, Ayesha Siddiqa, Seri Park, Dongkyun Kim. Towards Efficient Mobility Management in 5G-Advanced: A Predictive Model for Network Slice Availability. ACM SAC 2025, Catania, Sicily, Italy, Accepted 2025.
172. Mahalinoro Razafimanjato, Haishan Yang, Seri Park, Sunghyun Kim, Dongkyun Kim. Blockchain and AI-Enabled Trust Management Model for Internet of Vehicles. ICAIIC 2025, Fukuoka, Japan, Feb 2025.
171. Junho Seo, Malik Muhammad Saad, Mahnoor Ajmal, Ayesha Siddiqa, Bomi Jeong, Su Kim, and Dongkyun Kim. Reinforcement Learning-Based Backhaul Routing for APs in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks. ICAIIC 2025, Fukuoka, Japan, Feb 2025.
170. Su Kim, Euiri Jo, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Dongkyun Kim. Privacy-Protected Lonely Death Detection System Using Multiple mmWave Sensors. SMA2024, Vientiane, Laos, Dec 2024.
169. Seri Park, Mahnoor Ajmal, Haishan Yang, Dongkyun Kim. Enhancing Anomaly Detection in Smart Homes for Elderly Care: Transition from RF to UWB Sensors. SMA2024, Vientiane, Laos, Dec 2024.
168. Euiri Jo, Malik Muhammad Saad, Seri Park, Dongkyun Kim. Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Protect Vulnerable Road Users(VRUs) by Improving Vehicle-to-VRU Communication Link. ACM RACS, Pompeii, Italy, Nov 2024.
167. Idris A. Abdulhameed, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Malik Muhammad Saad, Dongkyun Kim. Blockchain-based VRU Safety System in Emergency. ICCT2024, Daegu, Korea, Oct 2024.
166. Haishan Yang, Razafimanjato Mahalinoro, Seri Park, Dongkyun Kim. A Blockchain-based Incentive Mechanism in Computation Offloading in IoV. ICCT2024, Daegu, Korea, Oct 2024.
165. Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Malik Muhammad Saad, Mahnoor Ajmal, Donghyun Jeon, Jinhong Kim, Dongkyun Kim. Proactive Resource Management for Seamless Service: A Transition from 5G-Basic to 5G-Advanced Network Slicing. VTC2024-Fall Washington DC, USA, Oct 2024.
164. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Mahnoor Ajmal, Donghyun Jeon, Jinhong Kim, Kil-Taek Lim, Jang Woon Baek, Dongkyun Kim. Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Edge Discovery within the 3GPP Framework for C-ITS. ICUFN 2024 Budapest, Hungary, July 2024.
163. Mahnoor Ajmal, Ayesha Siddiqa, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Malik Muhammad Saad, and Dongkyun Kim. Dynamic Backhaul Clustering for Enhanced Scalability in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks. ACM SAC 2024 Avila, Spain, April 2024.
162. Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Malik Muhammad Saad, Mahnoor Ajmal, Ayesha Siddiqa, Dongkyun Kim, Network Slice Traffic Demand Prediction for Slice Mobility Management, ICAIIC 2024, Osaka, Japan, Feburary 2024.
161. Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Mahnoor Ajmal, Euiri Jo, Malik Muhammad Saad, Seri Park, Jinhong Kim, and Dongkyun Kim, Revolutionizing Surveillance: A Brief Survey of Edge AI Terminals in Road Infrastructure, ICAIIC 2024, Osaka, Japan, Feburary 2024.
160. Seri Park, Euiri Jo, Dong Hyeon Kim, Sunghyun Kim, Malik Muhammad Saad, Dongkyun Kim, Soon Ki Jung, IoT-enabled Home Automation for Energy Optimization, CUTE 2023, Nha Trang, Vietnam, December 2023.
159. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Mahnoor Ajmal,Sunghyun Kim,Dongkyun Kim, Piggyback-based Collaborative Resource Selection in C-V2X, ICTA 2023, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, December 2023.
158. Junyeop Kim, Dongkyun Kim, Efficient business process management and achievement of management objectives through the development of a process for the integration of ERP and PMS systems, ICCT 2023, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023.
157. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Seri Park, Dongkyun Kim, Simulating Sensor Data and Modeling Human Activity with Markov Chain for Energy Optimization in Apartments, ICCT 2023, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023.
156. Donghyun Jeon, Euiri Jo, Seri Park, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, Wi-Fi Aware based V2P communication for VRU Safety Service, ICCT 2023, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023.
155. Ayesha Siddiqa, Mahnoor Ajmal, Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Dongkyun Kim, Enhance Connectivity: RSMA Application and Unveiling the Power of CF-mMIMO Deployment, ICCT 2023, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023.
154. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Dongkyun Kim, Challenges and Potential Solutions for Network Slicing Mobility Management, ICCR 2023, Daejeon, Korea, October 2023.
153. Bomi Jeong, Sungwon Lee, Ayesha Siddiqa, Mahnoor Ajmal, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, Experimental Analysis of Handover Process in Cell Free Networks, ACM RACS 2023 Poland, Gdansk, Aguest 2023.
152. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Junho Seo, Mahnoor Ajmal, Dongkyun Kim, Age-of-Information Aware Intelligent MAC for Congestion Control in NR-V2X, ICUFN 2023 France, Paris, July 2023.
151. Ayesha Siddiqa, Junho Seo, Malik Muhammad Saad, Bomi Jeong, Dongkyun Kim, Scalable Simultaneous Connectivity with Multiple APs and Virtual UEs in CF-Networks, ACM SAC 2023 Estonia, Tallin, March 2023.
150. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, An Overview of 3GPP Release 17 & 18 Advancements in the Context of V2X Technology, ICAIIC 2023, Indonesia, Bali & Virtual Conference, February, 2023.
149. Sungwon Lee, Sunghyun Kim, Donghyun Jeon, Dongkyun Kim, Dynamic selection of child nodes for constrained Wi-SUN, ICCT 2022, ChiangMai, Thailand, November ,2022.
148. Malik Muhammad Saad, Junho Seo, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Ayesha Siddiqa,Boomi Jeong, Jaeyoung Kim, Dongkyun Kim, Smart Farm enabled with WiFi & LoRa based Multi-interface, ICCT 2022, ChiangMai, Thailand, November ,2022.
147. Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Mahnoor Ajmal, Dongkyun Kim, Network Slicing: Enabling Technologies and Solutions for 5G-Advanced Use-cases, ICCT 2022, ChiangMai, Thailand, November ,2022.
146. Abdueli Paulo Mdee, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, Infrastructure-Independent Pseudonym Swap Protocol for Vehicular Networks, 2022 Thirteenth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), July 2022.
145. Islam, Md. Mahmudul and Saad, Malik Muhammad and Raza Khan, Muhammad Toaha and Shah, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dongkyun Kim, Proactive UAVs Placement in VANETs, IEEE ICC 2022, May 2022.
144. Junho Seo, Ayesha Siddiqa, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Malik Muhammad Saad, Dongkyun Kim, Cluster-Based AUV Communication for Delay-sensitive vulnerability detection using NDN, ACM SAC Conference, April 2022
143. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Md. Mahmudul Islam, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, Enhanced Semi-persistent scheduling (e-SPS) for Aperiodic Traffic in NR-V2X, 2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), Feb 2022.
142. Sungwon Lee, Jeongwon Ha, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, Avoiding Content Storm Problem in Named Data Networking,2021 Twelfth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN),Jeju, Korea, Aug, 2021.
141. Malik Muhammad Saad, Md Mahmudul Islam, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Dongkyun Kim, Collaborative Multi-Agent Resource Allocation in C-V2X Mode 4, 2021 Twelfth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Jeju, Korea, Aug, 2021.
140. Murad Khan, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, An Energy Efficient Sensor Duty Cycling for Smart Home Networks, 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), Jeju, Korea, April, 2021.
139. Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Junho Seo, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dongkyun Kim, Reliable interest forwarding strategy for underwater vehicular NDN, 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March, 2021.
138. Ru Yang, Sungwon Lee, Junho Seo, Murad Khan and Dongkyun Kim Improve IoT streaming QoS by determining the message propotion in CoAP, NaNa2020, Haikou City, China, December 2020.
137. Murad Khan, Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Junho Seo, and Dongkyun Kim, Human Activity Prediction-aware Sensor Cycling in Smart Home Networks IEEE Globecom, December, 2020.
136. Junaid Akram, Malik Muhammad Saad, Shuja Ansari, Haider Rizvi, Dongkyun Kim, and Raza Hasnain, Intelligent Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks with Adaptive Sensors, Vehicular Technology Conference, Victoria, Canada, November 2020.
135. Murad Khan, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Malik Muhmmad Saad, and Dongkyun Kim, A User Profile-based Smart Home Energy Management System IEEE ICTC conference, October 2020.
134. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Muhammad Ashar Tariq and Dongkyun Kim, LSTM Enabled Artificial Intelligent Smart Gardening System ACM RACS 2020, Gwangju, Korea, October 2020.
133. Khan, Murad, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, and Dongkyun Kim. Mitigating Interference and Energy Issues in Smart Homes Using Internet of Things, 2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW). IEEE, June 2020.
132. Junho Seo, Sungwon Lee, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan and Dongkyun Kim, A New CoAP Congestion Control Scheme Considering Strong and Weak RTT for IoUT, ACM SAC 2020, Brno, Czech Republic, March 2020.
131. Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Yalew Zelalem Jembre, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Junho Seo and Dongkyun Kim, Data Freshness Based AUV Path Planning for UWSN in the Internet of Underwater Things, GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, HI, USA, December 2019.
130. Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, and Dongkyun Kim, A Detailed Simulation Study of the Push-based Protocol for Critical Data Dissemination in Vehicular Named Data Networks, NaNA2019, Daegu, South Korea, October 2019.
129. Junho Seo, Sungwon Lee, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan,and Dongkyun Kim, Adaptive Selection of Configuration Methods in 6LoWPAN based IoUT, ARCS 2019, Chongqing, China, September 2019.
128. YangRu, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, and Dongkyun Kim, UAV Path-planning in 3-Dimensional Space: A Brief Survey, ICCT 2019, Pattaya, Thailand, August 2019.
127. Nikolai Leshov, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Sungwon Lee, and Dongkyun Kim, Content Name Privacy in Tactical Named Data Networking, ICUFN 2019, Zagreb, Croatia, July, 2019.
126. Minseok Kim, Sungwon Lee, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo, Yeongjoon Bae, Yonghwan Jeong and Dongkyun Kim, A New CoAP Congestion Control Scheme using Message Loss Feedback for IoUT, ACM SAC 2019, Limasol, Cyprus, April 2019.
125. Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, AUV-assisted Energy-efficient Clustering in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Globecom, Abu dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
124. Junho Seo, Sungwon Lee, Yonghwan Jeong, Yeongjoon Bae, and Dongkyun Kim, An UWB-based Indoor Positioning System Model and Applications, IACST ICCT 2018, Shaoxing, China, November, 2018.
123. Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk, and Dongkyun Kim, Enabling Critical Content Dissemination in Vehicular Named Data Networks, ACM RACS, Honolulu, Hawaii USA, October, 2018.
122. Yeongjoon Bae, Sungwon Lee, Yonghwan Jeong, and Dongkyun Kim, Path Similarity based Spurious Retransmission Minimization over Flooding based Routing in UWSN, ICUFN 2018, Prague, Czech Repulbic, July, 2018.
121. Louis Amwine, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, RIED-MAC: Receiver-Initiated MAC based on Energy-efficient Duty Cycling for UWSNs, MTS/IEEE OCEANS Techno-Ocean 2018 (OTO’18), Kobe, Japan, May, 2018.
120. Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, and Dongkyun Kim, BIRD: Bio-InspiRed Distributed Interest Forwarding in Vehicular Named-Data Networks, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), Pau, France, April, 2018.
119. Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Syed Hassan Ahmed, and Dongkyun Kim, Receiver-Initiated Dynamic Duty Cycle Scheduling Schemes for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE CCNC 2018, Las Vegas, USA, January 2018.
118. Yonghwan Jeong, Sungwon Lee, Yeongjoon Bae, Eunbae Moon, Dongkyun Kim, A Path Recovery Method using Cooperative Service Networks for Underwater Service Oriented Networks, ICCT 2nd 2017, Tokyo, Japan, December 2017.
117. DiXiao Mu, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Sungwon Lee, Nadra Guizani, and Dongkyun Kim, An Adaptive Multiple-relay Selection in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks, IEEE Globecom, Singapore, December, 2017.
116. Hyeongcheol Park, Sungwon Lee, Eunbae Moon, Syed Hassan Ahmed, and Dongkyun Kim, Performance Analysis of Bicycle-to-Pedestrian Safety Application using Bluetooth Low Energy, ACM RACS, Poland, September, 2017.
115. Eunbae Moon, Sungwon Lee, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, and Dongkyun Kim, p-BORE: Prioritized Beacon Repetition and Contention Window Selection Based MAC Protocol in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, ICUFN 2017, Milan, Italy, July, 2017
114. Deuk Lee, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dongkyun Kim, John A. Copeland, and Yusun Chang, Distributed SCH selection for concurrent transmissions in IEEE 1609.4 multi-channel VANETs, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 2017. To Appear.
113. Safdar H. Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed, and Dongkyun Kim, NDN Goes Deep: Foreseeing the Underwater Named Data Networks, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (ACM SAC), Marrakesh, Morocco, April 2017. To Appear.
112. Hyeongcheol Park, Sungwon Lee, Eunbae Moon, Tae-Young Byun, and Dongkyun Kim, An Open DDNS based IoT Platform for Providing Home IoT Service in Dynamic IP Address Environment, ICCT 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand, January, 2017.
111. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Sungwon Lee, Junhwan Park, Dongkyun Kim, and Danda B. Rawat, iDFR: Intelligent Directional Flooding-Based Routing Protocols for Underwater Sensor Networks, IEEE CCNC, Las Vegas, USA, January 2017.
110. Sungwon Lee, Eunbae Moon, and Dongkyun Kim, Consistency of Path based Upward Path Recovery Method to Reduce Path Recovery Delay for RPL, Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems(ACM RACS), Odense, Denmark, October, 2016.
109. Guhyoung Kwon, Sungwon Lee, Enbae Moon, and Dongkyun Kim, Position-freshness Based Intermediate Node Filtering for VANET, URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference(URSI AP-RASC 2016), August 2016.
108. Gwanghyeon Kim, Sungwon Lee, Hyeongcheol Park, and Dongkyun Kim, A Request Based Adaptive Beacon Rate Control Scheme for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, The Eight International Conference Ubiquitous Future Networks (ICUFN 2016), August 2016.
107. Yonghwan Jeong, Sungwon Lee, Eunbae Moon, Hyeongcheol Park, Hongseok Yoo, Dongkyun kim, Hop-Interval Based Decision of Operational Mode in RPL with Multi-Instance, The Eight International Conference Ubiquitous Future Networks (ICUFN 2016), August 2016.
106. Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar. H. Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, FBR: Fleet Based video Retrieval in 3G and 4G enabled Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, May 2016.
105. Deuk Lee, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Dongkyun Kim, John A. Copeland and Yusun Chang, An Efficient SCH utilization scheme for IEEE 1609.4 multi-channel environments in VANETs, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
104. Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar H. Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, Interest Forwarding in Vehicular Information Centric Networks: A Survey, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), Pisa, Italy, April 2016.
103. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar H. Bouk, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Dongkyun Kim and Mario Gerla, CONET: COntrolled Data Packets Propagation in Vehicular Named Data NETworks, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2016.
102. Junhwan Park, Sungwon Lee, Eunbae Moon and Dongkyun Kim, Weighted Average Based Link Quality Calculation Method for Directional Flooding Based Routing, The International Conference on UnderWater Networks and Systems(WUWNET)Washington DC, USA, Oct 2015.
101. S.H. Bouk, M. A. Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, Evaluating Interest/Data Propagation in Vehicular Named Data Networks, Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems(ACM RACS), Prague, Czech Republic 2015. Oct 2015.
100. Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, An Extended DFR Protocol based on Geographical Information for Underwater Sensor Networks, Marine Technology Society and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society(MTS/IEEE OCEANS), Washington. Oct 2015.
99. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Safdar H. Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, Towards Content-Centric Traffic Ticketing in VANETs: An Application Perspective, The 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Vehicles, in the 7th ICUFN ,Sapporo Japan, July 2015.
98. Junhwan Park, Sungwon Lee, Safdar H. bouk, Dongkyun Kim, 6LoWPAN Adaptation Protocol for IPv6 Packet Transmission Over NFC Device, The Seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2015), Sapporo Japan, July 2015.
97. Safdar H. Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, Vehicular Content Centric Network (VCCN): A Survey and Research Challenges, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), Salamanca, Spain, Apr 2015.
96. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar H. Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, Adaptive Beaconing Schemes in VANETs: Hybrid Approach, The International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), Siem Reap, Cambodia, January 2015.
95. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Hyunwoo Kang and Dongkyun Kim, Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN): Routing Perspectives, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, CCNC (VENITS Workshop ) Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2015.
94. Junhwan Park, Sungwon Lee, YongGeun Hong and Dongkyun Kim, QoS-aware Directional Flooding-based Routing for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, WUWNet 2014, Rome, Italy, November 12-14, 2014.
93. Safdar. H. Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun kim, Hierarchical and Hash-based Naming Scheme for Vehicular Information Centric Networks, IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), Vienna, Austria, November 2014.
92. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar. H. Bouk and Dongkyun kim, Reducing Scanning Latency in WiMAX Enabled VANETs, ACM RACS, Baltimore, MD, USA. Oct, 2014.
91. Hongseok Yoo, Sunghyun Kim, Sungwon Lee, Jeyun Hwang and Dongkyun Kim, Traffic-Aware Parameter Tuning for Wi-Fi Direct Power Saving, ICUFN 2014, Shanghai, China, July 2014.
90. Sungwon Lee, Junhwan Park, YongGeun Hong and Dongkyun Kim, An Energy Efficient Vehicle to Pedestrian Communication Method for Safety Application, ICUFN 2014, Shanghai, China, July 2014.
89. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Asanka Sayakkara, Gwanghyeon Kim and Dongkyun Kim, Self-Organized e-Health Application using IEEE 11073: An Experimental Approach, BASnet 2014, Hasselt, Belgium, Jun 2014.
88. Asanka Sayakkara and Dongkyun Kim, Cross-layer Opportunistic Forwarding to Reduce Patterned Synchronization Effect in Highly Resource Constrained WSNs, WCNC 2014, Istanbul , Turkey, April 2014.
87. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Abdul Wahid and Dongkyun Kim, EENC - Energy Efficient Nested Clustering in UASN, ACM SAC 2014, Gyeongju, Korea, March 2014.
86. Asanka Sayakkara, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, Applying frame aggregation and block acknowledgement to increase channel utilization in UASNs, IIISC 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 2014.
85. Tauseef Shah, Mansoor Mustafa, Syed Hassan Ahmed, S.H.Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, Modified VIKOR based Distributed Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE FIT 2013, Islamabad, Pakistan, December 2013.
84. Awais Ahmad, Abdul Wahid and Dongkyun Kim, AEERP: AUV aided Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network, ACM PM2HW2N 2013, Barcelona, Spain, November 2013.
83. Syed Hassan Ahmed and Dongkyun Kim, Cyber Physical System: Architecture, Applications and Research Challenges, Wireless Days 2013, Valencia, Spain, November 2013.
82. Basit Manzoor, Nadeem Javaid, Obaid Rehman, Safdar.H.Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Se Hyun Park and Dongkyun Kim, Energy Aware Error Control in Cooperative Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks, ACM RACS 2013, Montreal, Canada, October 2013.
81. Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, C2-CODER: Coverage-Controlled network CODEd Repetition for vehicular ad-hoc networks, ACM RACS 2013, Montreal, Canada, October 2013.
80. Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, Fast Retransmit for Flooding-based Routing in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, ACM RACS 2013, Montreal, Canada, October 2013.
79. Hyunwoo Kang, Yun Su Shung, Soo-In Lee and Dongkyun Kim, A Simple Data Transmission Scheduling Method for Wireless Sensor Networks, ICUFN 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam, July 2013.
78. Awais Ahmad, Abdul Wahid, Dongkyun Kim and Jiman Hong, EERT - Energy Efficient Reliable Transport Protocol for Underwater Sensor Network, UCN 2013 (in conjunction with ICUFN 2013), Da Nang, Vietnam, July 2013.
77. Hong-Jong Jeong, Ved P. Kafle, Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, HIMALIS-C-ITS: Fast and Secure Mobility Management Scheme based on HIMALIS for Cooperative ITS Service in Future Networks, IWIV 2013 (in conjunction with ICUFN 2013), Da Nang, Vietnam, July 2013.
76. Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, Underwater Hybrid Routing Protocol for UWSNs, ICUFN 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam, July 2013.
75. Inbeom Choi and Dongkyun Kim, ES-MAC: Energy-Driven Scheduling Scheme in Asynchronous Duty Cycle MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, IIISC 2012, Chiamg Mai, Thailand, December 2012.
74. Hong-Jong Jeong, Sungwon Lee, Dongkyun Kim and Yong-Geun Hong, An M2M-based Interface Management Framework for Vehicles with Multiple Network Interfaces, ICITCS 2012, Pyeong Chang, Korea, December 2012.
73. Hongseok Yoo, Jinhong Kim and Dongkyun Kim, A Dynamic Safety Interval Protocol for VANETs, ACM RACS 2012, San Antonio, TX, USA, October 2012.
72. Abdul Wahid, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, An Environment-aware Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, The 7th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST-12), Suzhou, China, November 21-23, 2012.
71. Abdul Wahid and Dongkyun Kim, Connectivity-based Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, ICTC 2012, Jeju island, Korea, October, 2012.
70. Sungwon Lee, Hong-Jong Jeong and Dongkyun Kim, A Unicast Based Gradient Routing Protocol for Asynchronous Duty-Cycling UWSNs, ICUFN 2012, Phuket, Thailand, July, 2012.
69. Sungwon Lee, Hong-Jong Jeong and Dongkyun Kim, Mobility Management Scheme for Supporting Legacy Clients in IEEE 802.11s WMNs, ICCE 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January, 2012.
68. Abdul Wahid, Dongkyun Kim and Kyungshik Lim, A Multi-layered Routing Protocol for UWSNs Using Super Nodes, FGCN 2011, Jeju Island, Korea, December, 2011.
67. Hong-Jong Jeong, Sungwon Lee, Dongkyun Kim, Kyungshik Lim and Jungsoo Park, Proxy Protocol and PMIPv6 based Mobility Management for IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks, ACM RACS 2011, Miami, FL, USA, November, 2011.
66. Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, Space-Division Repetition-based Broadcasting protocol for Reliable Beaconing in VANETs, ACM PM2HW2N 2011, Miami Beach, FL, USA, October-November, 2011.
65. Abdul Wahid, Sungwon Lee, Hong-Jong Jeong and Dongkyun Kim, EEDBR: Energy-Efficient Depth-Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, The 2011 International e-Conference on Advanced Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea, September, 2011.
64. Dongseung Shin, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, Location-based k-ACK Aggregation Method for Underwater Sensor Networks, MTS/IEEE OCEANS'11, Hawaii, September 2011.
63. Kyuhyung Kim, Hyunwoo Kang, Joungsik Kim and Dongkyun Kim, RF-based guard light management system by using Wireless Sensor Network technologies, ICUFN 2011, China, June 2011.
62. Daesung Kim, Dongkyun Kim, Hyeon Park and Seungmok Yoo, Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks in Military Scenarios, ICUFN 2011, China, June 2011.
61. Abdul Wahid, Sungwon Lee and Dongkyun Kim, An energy-efficient routing protocol for UWSNs using physical distance and residual energy, IEEE OCEANS'11, SANTANDER, SPAIN, June 2011.
60. Sungwon Lee, Dongseung Shin and Dongkyun Kim, The Effect of ETX Measurement on Routing Performance in Underwater Sensor Networks, International Conference on ICT Convergence 2010 (ICTC 2010), Korea, November, 2010.
59. Hong-Jong Jeong, YongJin Cho, Dongkyun Kim and Kwan Woo Ryu, Trajectory Information-based Routing Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks with Mobile Mesh Router, ITS World Congress, Busan, Korea, October 2010.
58. Abdul Wahid, Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, Unicast Geographic Routing Protocols for Inter-Vehicle Communications : a Survey, ACM PM2HW2N, Turkey, October, 2010.
57. Dongseung Shin, Dongkyun Kim and Jinwook Lee, A Reliable Watchdog Protocol with Two-way Mutual Confirmation in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks, International Conference on Reliable & Autonomous Computational Science 2010 (RACS 2010), Atlanta, October, 2010.
56. Hong-Jong Jeong, Hongseok Yoo, Dongkyun Kim and Jungsoo Park, Multipath Routing based on Path Bandwidth in Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Networks, WiMo 2010, Turkey, June 2010.
55. Hongseok Yoo, Moonjoo Shim, Dongkyun Kim and Kyu Hyung Kim, GLOBAL:a Gradient-based routing protocol for LOad-BALancing in large-scale wireless sensor networks with multiple sinks, IEEE ISCC 2010, Italy, June 2010.
54. Dongseung Shin and Dongkyun Kim, A Sector-Based Backward Direction Detection Technique for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, ICUFN 2010, Korea, June 2010.
53. C.K. Toh, Dongkyun Kim, Sutaek Oh and Hongseok Yoo, The Controversy of Selfish Nodes in Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE ICACT 2010, Korea, February 2010.
52. Dongseung Shin and Dongkyun Kim, FRT: Fast and Reliable Transport Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE APSCC 2009, Singapore, December 2009.
51. Hyunwoo Kang and Dongkyun Kim, HVR: History-based Vector Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks, IEEE ICCCN 2009, San Francisco, USA, August 2009.
50. Sutaek Oh, Dongkyun Kim, Hyunwoo Kang and Hong-Jong Jeong, SMSR: A Scalable Multipath Source Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, UIC 2009, Brisbane, Australia, July 2009.
49. Dongseung Shin, Hongseok Yoo and Dongkyun Kim, EMDOR: Emergency Message Dissemination with ACK-Overhearing based Retransmission, ICUFN 2009, Hong Kong, China, June 2009.
48. Dongseung Shin and Dongkyun Kim, A Dynamic NAV Determination Protocol in 802.11 based Underwater Networks, IEEE ISWCS'08, Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2008.
47. Daeyoup Hwang, Dongkyun Kim, DFR: Directional Flooding-Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks, MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2008, Quebec City, Canada, September 2008.
46. Dongkyun Kim, Dongseung Shin and Hongseok Yoo, Providing Service-Connectivity in Delay Tolerant Networks, ALPIT 2008, Dalian Liaoning, China, July 2008.
45. Hyunwoo Kang and Dongkyun Kim, Vector Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks, IEEE VTC 2008, Calgary, Canada, September 2008.
44. Eunsook Shim, Seunghoon Baek, Joungsik Kim and Dongkyun Kim, Multi-channel Multi-interface MAC Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 2008.
43. Sutaek Oh, Dongkyun Kim and Hong-Jong Jeong, EK-DYMOv6: Implementation of DYMO with PacketBB conformance in IPv6 Environment, IEEE ISWCS 2007, Trondheim, Norway, October 2007.
42. Dongkyun Kim, C.K. Toh and Hongseok Yoo, The Impact of Spurious Retransmissions on TCP Performance in Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks, IEEE PIMRC 2007, Athens, Greece, 2007.
41. Y.C. Kwon, Dongkyun Kim, C.K. Toh and J.S. Kim, The Design and Implementation of Data Gathering Techniques (EDGE) for In-building Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE GIIS 2007, Morocco, July 2007.
40. Uhjin Joung and Dongkyun Kim, 2-Level Hierarchical Cluster-based Address Auto-configuration Technique in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, UIC 2007, Hong Kong, China, July 2007.
39. Dongkyun Kim, Hong-Jong Jeong, Sutaek Oh and Juan-Carlos Cano, Improving the Accuracy of Passive Duplicate Address Detection Algorithms over MANET On-demand Routing Protocols, IEEE AHSP 2007, Arizona, USA, 2007.
38. Uhjin Joung, Dongkyun Kim, Nakjung Choi, C.K. Toh, An Efficient Address Assignment Mechanism for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, ICOIN 2007, Portugal, 2007.
37. Dongkyun Kim, Hongseok Yoo, Stateless Broadcasting to support Heterogeneous Radio Ranges in Mobile Ad Hoc networks, IEEE ICCCN 2006, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2006.
36. Dongkyun Kim, JC Cano, CK Toh and P. Manzoi, A comparison of the performance of TCP-Reno and TCP-Vegas over MANETs, IEEE ISWCS 2006, Valencia, Spain, September 2006.
35. Uhjin Joung, Hong-Jong Jeong, Dongkyun Kim, Overlay Small Group Multicast Mechanism for MANET, IFIP PWC, Spain, September 2006.
34. Miguel S´anchez, Juan-Carlos Cano, Dongkyun Kim, Predicting Traffic lights to Improve Urban Traffic Fuel Consumption, IEEE ITST, China, 2006.
33. Dongkyun Kim, Eunsook Shim and C.K.Toh, A Power Control MAC Protocol based on Fragmentation for 802.11 Multi-hop Networks, ICOIN, Japan, 2006.
32. Juan Carlos Cano Escriba, Jose Cano, Pietro Manzoni and Dongkyun Kim, On the design of pervasive computing applications based on Bluetooth and a P2P concept, IEEE ISWPC 06, Thailand, 2006.
31. D.K. Kim, J.S. Kim and K.H. Kim, An Energy-efficient Data Gathering Technique using Multiple Paths in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE CCNC, Las Vegas, January, 2006.
30. Hong-Jong Jeong, Uhjin Joung and Dongkyun Kim, Overlay Small Group Multicast Tree Construction Algorithm for MANET, NASM 2005, Shanghai,November 2005.
29. Dongkyun Kim, Hanseok Bae and C.K.Toh, TCP-Vegas-adhoc: Improving TCP-Vegas performance over MANET routing protocols, Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications(WPMC) 2005, Denmark 2005.
28. Dongkyun Kim, Hanseok Bae, Jeomki Song and Juan-Carlos Cano, Analysis of the Interaction Between TCP Variants and Routing Protocols in MANETs, International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks(WSNET), Norway, 2005.
27. Dongkyun Kim and Hanseok Bae, A Prompt Retransmit Technique to Improve TCP Performance for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, ICCSA 2005, Singapore, 2005.
26. Hong-Jong Jeong, Dongkyun Kim, Jeomki Song, Byung-yeub Kim and Jeong-Su Park, Back-Up: Chord Ring Recovery Protocol for P2P File Sharing over MANETs, ICCS 2005, Atlanta, 2005.
25. J.K.Lee, D.K.Kim, C.K.Toh, T.K.Kwon and Y. Choi, A Table-driven AOA Estimation Algorithm for Switched-beam Antennas in Wireless Networks, 11th European Wireless 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 2005.
24. N.J. Choi, Y.H. Seok, C.K. Toh and D.K. Kim, Random and Linear Address Allocation for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, 2005.
23. Dongkyun Kim and Gichul Yoo, An Efficient Protocol for Setting Up a Data Dissemination Path in Wireless Sensor Networks, ICN, Reunion Island, 2005.
22. Dongkyun Kim and Eun-sook Shim, P-MAC: Parallel Transmissions in IEEE 802.11 based Ad Hoc Networks with Interference Ranges, International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) 2005, Jeju, Korea, 2005.
21. Dongkyun Kim, C.-K.Toh and Hong-Jong jeong, An Early Retransmission Technique to Improve TCP Performance for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE PIMRC 2004, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
20. Dongkyun Kim and Hanseok Bae, Trial-number Reset Mechanism at MAC Layer for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, ECUMN 2004, Portugal, 2004.
19. Dongkyun Kim, An Improvement of TCP Performance for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, ISPC COMM 2004, Russia, 2004.
18. Hanseok Bae and Dongkyun Kim, Improving TCP Performance in Asymmetric Wireless Networks, IASTED WNET 2004, Banff, Canada, 2004.
17. G.C. Yoo, E.S. Sim, D. Kim, et. al., An Efficient TCP Buffer Tuning Technique based on Packet Loss Ratio (TBT-PLR), IC 2004, Las Vegas, USA, 2004.
16. Jeongkeun Lee, Dongkyun Kim, J.J Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Yanghee Choi, Jihyuk Choi and Sangwoo Nam, Hybrid gateway advertisement scheme for connecting mobile ad hoc networks to the Internet, IEEE VTC-Spring 2003.
15. Dongkyun Kim, Juan-Carlos Cano, J.J Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Katia Obraczka and Pietro Manzoni, CMDR : Conditional Minimum Drain Rate Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, The International Conference on Information Networking 2003.
14. Juan-Carlos Cano, Dongkyun Kim and Pietro Manzoni, CERA: Cluster-based Energy Saving Algorithm to Coordinate Routing in Short-Range Wireless Networks, The International Conference on Information Networking 2003.
13. Dongkyun Kim, Juan-Carlos Cano, Pietro Manzoni and C.-K. Toh, A Bounding Algorithm for the Broadcast Storm Problem in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. of IEEE WCNC 2003, New Orleans, USA, 2003.
12. Dongkyun Kim, Jaewoo Park, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, Power-aware Route Maintenance Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. of IEEE ICT 2003, France, 2003.
11. Dongkyun Kim, Jaewoo Park and Yanghee Choi, An Efficient Reliable Multicasting in Micro-cellular Wireless Networks, Proc. of IASTED WOC 2002, Banff, Canada, 2002.
10. Dongkyun Kim, Juan-Carlos Cano, Jose Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Katia Obraczka and Pietro Manzoni, Performance Analysis of Power-aware Route Selection Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Network, IEEE Networks 2002, August, Atlanta, USA, 2002.
9. Dongkyun Kim and Juan-Carlos Cano, A Hybrid Protocol for Broadcast Storm Problem in Mobile Ad Hoc Network, Proc. of IASTED CSN 2002, Malaga, Spain, 2002.
8. Dongkyun Kim, Juan-Carlos Cano, Jose Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Katia Obraczka and Pietro Manzoni, Power-Aware Routing Based on The Energy Drain Rate for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. of IEEE ICCCN 2002, Florida, USA, 2002.
7. Juan-Carlos Cano and Dongkyun Kim, Investigating Performance of Power-Aware Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. of IEEE/ACM MASCOTS Workshop 2002, USA, 2002.
6. Dongkyun Kim, C.-K. Toh, Yanghee Choi, ROADMAP : A Robust ACK-driven Media Access Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE MILCOM2001.
5. Dongkyun Kim, Hwanseok Jeong, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, GAHA and GAPA : Approaches for Supporting Asymmetric Links in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE PIMRC2001.
4. Dongkyun Kim, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, On Supporting Link Asymmetry in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. of Symposium on Ad Hoc Wireless Networks of GLOBECOM 2001, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2001.
3. Dongkyun Kim, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, Location-aware Long-lived Route Selection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE VTC Fall, Boston, USA, 2000.
2. Dongkyun Kim, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, TCP-BuS : Improvement of TCP Performance in Wireless Ad Hoc Network, IEEE ICC 2000, Neworleans, USA, 2000.
1. Dongkyun Kim, C.-K. Toh and Yanghee Choi, RODA: a new dynamic routing protocol using dual paths to support asymmetric links in mobile ad hoc networks, IEEE ICCCN, Las Vegas, USA, 2000.
International Patents
1. Method for multi-path source routing in sensor network, Inventors: Joungsik KIM, Gwangsu KIM, Kyuhyung KIM, Sutaek OH, Hongjong JEONG, Hyunwoo KANG, Dongkyun KIM, Publication number: US20090296704 A12003, Application number: US 12/325,061.
Lecture Notes/Book Chapters
17. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, and Dongkyun Kim, Elevating Connectivity: Integrating Satellite Access Networks in 3GPP NTN Vision, in the book on "Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks", Springer Nature, Accepted on 2024.
16. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk, Dongkyun Kim and Mahasweta Sarkar, Bringing Named Data Networks into Smart Cities, in the book on "Smart Cities: Foundations and Principles", Wiley, June, 2017.
15. Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk and Dongkyun Kim, Information Centric Networks, in the book on "Content Centric Networks", Springer, March, 2016.
14. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk, Dongkyun Kim and Mahasweta Sarkar, Cyber-Physical Systems: Basics and Fundamentals, Book: Cyber-Physical System Design with Sensor Networking Technologies, Edited by Sherali Zeadally, The Institution of Engineering Technology (IET), London, 2015.
13. Abdul Wahid, Dongkyun Kim and Kyungshik Lim, A Multi-layered Routing Protocol for UWSNs Using Super Nodes, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 266, Part 2, pp. 258-267, 2011.
12. Abdul Wahid, Sungwon Lee, Hong-Jong Jeong and Dongkyun Kim, EEDBR: Energy-Efficient Depth-Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 195, pp. 223-234, 2011.
11. Hong-Jong Jeong, Hongseok Yoo, Dongkyun Kim and Jungsoo Park, Multipath Routing based on Path Bandwidth in Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Networks, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 84, Part 1, pp. 1-12, 2010.
10. Uhjin Joung, Dongkyun Kim, Nakjung Choi and C. K. Toh, An Efficient Address Assignment Mechanism for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5200, pp. 202 - 212, 2008.
9. Uhjin Joung and Dongkyun Kim, 2-Level Hierarchical Cluster-based Address Auto-configuration Technique in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4611, pp. 309 - 320, July 2007.
8. Uhjin Joung, Hong-Jong Jeong and Dongkyun Kim, Overlay Small Group Multicast Mechanism for MANET, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4217, pp. 205 - 215, September 2006.
7. Dongkyun Kim and Hanseok Bae, A Prompt Retransmit Technique to Improve TCP Performance for Mobile Hoc Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3480, 2005.
6. Hong-Jong Jeong, Dongkyun Kim, Jeomki Song, Byung-yeub Kim and Jeong-Su Park, Back-Up: Chord Ring Recovery Protocol for P2P File Sharing over MANETs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3515, 2005.
5. Dongkyun Kim and Gi-Chul Yoo, An Efficient Protocol for Setting Up a Data Dissemination Path in Wireless Sensor Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3420, 2005.
4. Dongkyun Kim and Eunsook Shim, P-MAC: Parallel Transmissions in IEEE 802.11 Based Ad Hoc Networks with Interference Ranges, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Vol. 3391, 2005.
3. Dongkyun Kim and Hanseok Bae, Trial-Number Reset Mechanism at MAC Layer for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3262, 2004.
2. Juan-Carlos Cano, Dongkyun Kim and Pietro Manzoni, CERA: Cluster-Based Energy Saving Algorithm to Coordinate Routing in Short-Range Wireless Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2662, pp. 306 - 315, 2003.
1. Dongkyun Kim, Juan-Carlos Cano, J.J Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Katia Obraczka and Pietro Manzoni, CMDR : Conditional Minimum Drain Rate Protocol for Route Selection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2662, pp. 702 -712, 2003.
International Books
2. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk, Dongkyun Kim, and Mahasweta Sarkar, Bringing Named Data Networks into Smart Cities, Wiley SMART CITIES Foundations, Principles, and Applications, Softcover ISBN 978-111-92-2639-0, 2017.
1. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk, and Dongkyun Kim, Content-Centric Networks: An Overview, Applications and Research Challenges, Springer Briefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Softcover ISBN 978-981-10-0064-5, 2016.
Domestic Journal Papers
21. 김성현, 서준호, 이성원, 김동균, Wi-SUN FAN에서 고아 노드의 전송 지연을 줄이기 위한 연결성 제공 기법, 한국통신학회논문지 제49권 제2호, pp 217-225, 2024.02.
20. 조성배, 한기준, 김동균, 기계학습 기반 FaaS 클라우드 리전 선택 기법, 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지(한국정보과학회) 제27권 74호, pp 325-330, 2021.07.
19. 서준호, 정용환, 배영준, 유홍석, 김영덕, 김동균, 로봇의 이동 경로 추적을 위한 UWB 기반의 실내 측위 시스템 개발, 한국통신학회논문지 제44권 제4호, pp 701-708, 2019.04.
18. 이성원, 강현우, 유홍석, 정용환, 김동균, 멀티 싱크 기반 IoT 네트워크에서 불필요한 경로 업데이트 문제와 두 가지 해결 기법, 한국통신학회논문지 제40권 제12호, pp 2559-2560, 2015.12.
17. 이성원, 유홍석, 김동균, 에너지 생산이 가능한 무선 센서 네트워크에서 잔여 에너지 인지 듀티-사이클 스케쥴링 기법, 한국통신학회논문지 제39권 제10호, pp 691-699, 2014.10.
16. 유홍석, 장주석, 김동균, A New Interference-Aware Dynamic Safety Interval Protocol for Vehicular Networks, 한국산업정보학회논문지 제19권 제2호, 2014.04
15. 정홍종, 이성원, 김동균, M2M에 기반한 ITS 서비스, OSIA Standards & Technology Review 제26권 제2호, pp.50-63, 개방형컴퓨터통신연구회, 2013.
14. 강현우, 안성우, 김동균, 계층적 배터리 관리 시스템 시뮬레이션 기술 개발, 대한임베디드공학회논문지, 제 8권 4호, 대한임베디드공학회, 2013.
13. 신동승, 이성원, 이상국, 김동균, 수중 센서 네트워크에서 계층적 주소를 기반으로 한 TCP ACK 병합 기법, 정보과학회논문지, 제 40권 2호, pp.95-102, 한국정보과학회, 2013.
12. 조용진, 정홍종, 김동균, 유관우, 무선 메쉬 네트워크에서 이동 메쉬 라우터의 이동 경로 정보를 고려한 라우팅 프로토콜, 한국통신학회논문지, 제 36권 11호, pp.912-923, 한국통신학회, 2011.
11. 오수택, 배장식, 정홍종, 김동균, 박정수, 무선 센서 네트워크에서 NanoQplus를 이용한 DYMO 프로토콜 설계와 구현, 한국통신학회논문지, 제 33권 4호, 한국통신학회, pp. 184-191, 2008.
10. 최낙중, 정어진, 김동균, 최양희, 이동 애드 혹 네트워크를 위한 인터넷 프로토콜 주소 자동 설정 기법, 한국통신학회논문지, 제 32권 3호, 한국통신학회, pp. 297-309, 2007.
9. 정홍종, 송점기, 김동균, 이동 애드 혹 네트워크 상의 신뢰성 있는 P2P 파일 공유를 위한 BU-Chord 프로토콜, 한국통신학회논문지, 제 31권, 제4B호, 한국통신학회, pp. 333-343, 2006.
8. 배한석, 송점기, 김동균, 박정수, 김형준, 이동 애드혹 네트워크의 TCP-Vegas 성능향상 기법, 한국통신학회, 제 31권, 2006.
7. 송점기, 배한석, 정홍종, 김동균, 이동 애드혹 네트워크의 계층별 연구 동향, 정보과학회지, 제23권 4호 통권 제191호, 2005.
6. 류기철, 김동균, 패킷 손실율에 기반한 효율적인 TCP Buffer Tuning 알고리즘, 한국정보처리학회 논문지, 제12-C권 1호, 2005.
5. 송점기, 정홍종, 김동균, 김병엽, 모바일 Ad-Hoc 네트워크에서 P2P 구조와 응용, 전자공학회지, 제31권 12호, p.85-95, 2004.
4. 김동균, MANET(Mobile Ad Hoc Network)에서의 표준 TCP 적용의 문제점과 해결방안, 한국정보과학회 정보통신기술지 17권, 2003.
3. 김동균, 무선 Ad Hoc 통신망에서 에너지 소모율(Energy Drain Rate)에 기반한 경로선택 프로토콜, 한국통신학회논문지 28권 7A, p.451 -466, 2003.
2. 김동균, 무선 Ad Hoc 통신망 지원을 위한 IP 주소 자동 할당 기법, 한국정보과학회 정보통신기술지 17권, p.89 -100, 2003.
1. 김창훈, 김동균, 박승철, 최양희, 셀 손실률에 따른 차별화를 고려한 DSLAM에서의 셀 스케쥴링 기법, 한국정보과학회 논문지(A), 26권, no.11, pp.1401-1413, 1999.
Domestic Conference Papers
95. 압둘하미드이드리스, 양하이샨, 김수, 김동균, IoV 를 위한 블록체인 기반 위치 프라이버시 보호 기법 평가, 2024년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Jeju, Korea, 2024.
94. 양영준, 박세리, 김성현, 김동균, LSTM AutoEncoder 기반의 이상행동 감지 시스템, 2024년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Jeju, Korea, 2024.
93. 김수, 양영준, 김성현, 김동균, 홈 환경에서의 IoT 통신 프로토콜간의 성능비교, 2024년도 한국멀티미디어학회 추계학술발표대회, Jeju, Korea, 2024.
92. 김수, 서준호, 김성현, 김동균, VRU 안전 시스템의 충돌 감지 기법 연구 동향 분석, 2024년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Jeju, Korea, 2024.
91. 양영준, 전동현, 조의리, 박세리, 김진홍, 김동균, Deep Reinforcement Learning 기반 차량 에지 컴퓨팅 오프로드 기법에 관한 연구 동향 분석, 2024년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Jeju, Korea, 2024.
90. 마누르 아즈말, 정보미, 김동균, Collaborative Multi-CPU Approach for Interference Suppression in Distributed Cell-Free Massive MIMO System, 2024년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Jeju, Korea, 2024.
89. 양하이샨, 라자피만자토 마할리노로, Ayesha siddiqa, 무함마드 아샤르 타리크, 말릭 무하마드 사드, 김동균, A Survey on Blockchain-Based Computation Offloading in the Internet of Vehicles, 2024년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Jeju, Korea, 2024.
88. 라자피만자토 마할리노로, 양하이샨, 전동현, 정보미, 김동균, Securing the Road Ahead: Blockchain for Enhanced Trust and Security in V2X Communication, 2024년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Yongpyong, Korea, 2024.
87. 박세리, 말릭 사드 무하마드, 김성현, 마누르 아즈말, 김동균, 마르코프체인 기반 스마트홈 생활 패턴 추정 모델 및 에너지 최적화 기법, 2024년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Yongpyong, Korea, 2024.
86. 무함마드 아샤르 타리크, 조의리, 이드리스 아데다몰라 압둘하미드, 서준호, 김동균, Analyses of Researches on Edge-AI for Cooperative-ITS Applications, 2024년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Yongpyong, Korea, 2024.
85. 조의리, 말릭 사드 무하마드, 박세리, 김동균, NR-V2X Mode2에서 강화 학습 기반 적응형 Modulation Order 선택 기법, UCWIT 2023, Busan, Korea, 2023.
84. 전동현,김성현,서준호,말릭 사드 무하마드, 무함마드 아샤르 타리크,김동균, V2P 통신 기반 VRU 안전서비스 시스템 구현, 2023년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Jeju, Korea, 2023.
83. 조의리,정보미,서준호,김동균, Cell-free 네트워크에서 단말의 통신 연결성을 제공하기 위한 핸드오버 기법 연구, 2023년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Jeju, Korea, 2023.
82. 이승언, 안형준, 류나은, 이수현, 김건수, 정보미, 전동현, 김동균, N대N 관제 시스템에서 메인 서버의 부하 경감을 위한 시스템 아키텍처 연구, 한국정보과학회 KCC 2023, Jeju, Korea, 2023.
81. 최준호, 김영준, 김원기, 이두호, 이주형, 조의리, 김성현, 김동균, LoRa를 이용한 스마트 팜 통신 표준 보완 및 스케줄링 기법, 한국정보과학회 KCC 2023, Jeju, Korea, 2023.
80. 전동현, 김성현, 김동균, 이성원, 선형회귀를 이용한 Wi-SUN의 하위 노드 수 최적화 시뮬레이션, 2023년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Yongpyong, Korea, 2023.
79. 정보미, 서준호, 김성현, 조의리, 전동현, 김동균, VRU 안전 서비스 제공을 위한 연구 동향 분석, 2023년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회 (KICS), Yongpyong, Korea, 2023.
78. 이은지, 김민영, 민시온, 황성윤, 서준호, 김동균, 강정호, 주정섭, 무인비행장치 가이드 스테이션 기반 정밀착륙 유도 시스템을 위한 MAVLink 프로토콜 활용 연구, 2022년도 한국소프트웨어종합학술대회 (KSC), Jeju Island, Korea, 2022.
77. 정보미, Ayesha siddiqa, 곽희섭, 김형돈, 배종원, 김재영, 김동균, 스마트 팜 센서 노드의 이상 탐지 및 원인 분석을 위한 머신러닝 적용 연구, 2022년도 한국소프트웨어종합학술대회 (KSC), Jeju Island, Korea, 2022.
76. 서준호, Ayesha siddiqa, 김동균, 대용량 데이터를 고려한 Cell-free 네트워크에서의 챌린징 이슈 : MAC 및 라우팅 프로토콜, 2022년도 한국소프트웨어종합학술대회 (KSC), Jeju Island, Korea, 2022.
75. Malik Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Md. Mahmudul Islam, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo ,Dongkyun Kim ,Enhanced Semi-persistent scheduling (e-SPS) for Aperiodic Traffic in NR-V2X, 2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), Jeju Island, Korea, 2022, pp. 171-175.
74. Mahnoor Ajmal, Ayesha Siddiqa, Dongkyun Kim, Cell-Free mMIMO: A Next Generation Paradigm, (UCWIT2022), December 2022.
73. 김가영, 김수영, 전병규, 윤대성, Ayesha Siddiqa, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, 김동균, .Wi-Fi 기반 스쿨존 및 골목길 내 어린이 확인 알람 시스템 개발, 2023년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, Jeju Island, Korea, 2022.
72. Ayesha Siddiqa, Bomi Jeong, Junho Seo, Farkhod Yusubov, Dongkyun Kim, Scalable and Optimal Clustering Scheme for Cell Free mMIMO in VANETs, 2022년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, Korea, Jun, 2022.
71. Ayesha Siddiqa, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Md.Mahmudul Islam, Muhammad Ashar Tariq,Malik Muhammad Saad, Dongkyun Kim, A Comparative Analysis on Machine Learningbased Intelligent Forwarding Schemes in VNDN, 2022년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회, Korea, Feb, 2022.
70. 서준호, 이성원, 김동균, Wi-SUN을 위한 RPL 기반 라우팅 기법 연구 동향 분석, 2022년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회, Pyeongchang Korea, Feb, 2022.
69. 이승지, 이은비, 김건희, 엄다연, 이수경, 서준호, 김동균, VNDN에서 네트워크 지연 감소를 위한 랜덤 백오프 기법, 2021 한국소프트웨어종합학술대회, Dec, 2021.
68. Md. Mhmudul Islam, Muhammad Saad Malik, Ru Yang, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Junho Seo, Dongkyun Kim, Reinforcement Learning-based UAVs Trajectory Control to assist VANETs, 한국통신학회 학술대회, Jeju, Korea, June, 2021.
67. Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, Muhammad Saad Malik, Muhammad Ashar Tariq, Md. Mhmudul Islam, Junho Seo and Dongkyun Kim, Reinforcement Learning Based Scheduling in Underwater NDN, 2020년도 제 1회 한국 인공지능 학술대회, Online, Korea, Dec, 2020.
66. 김진홍, 이성원, 임길택, 김동균, 수중 사물인터넷 환경에서 패킷 에러율 예측 및 네트워크 파라메터 최적화를 위한 기계학습 모델, 2020년도 제 1회 한국 인공지능 학술대회, Online, Korea, Dec, 2020.
65. 이성원, 강현우, 서준호, 김동균, 수중 IoT CoAP에서 최적 메시지 타입 결정을 위한 강화 학습 기반 기계 학습 프로세스, 2020년도 제 1회 한국 인공지능 학술대회, Online, Korea, Dec, 2020.
64. 강현우, 이성원, 서준호, 김동균, 수중 IoT 플러딩 영역 최적화를 위한 강화학습 프로세스에 대한 연구, 2020년도 제 1회 한국 인공지능 학술대회, Online, Korea, Dec, 2020.
63. 서준호, 이종률, 이종혁, 임재환, 남현수, 양루, 정용환, 김동균, 전동 운송수단을 포함하는 스마트 퍼스널 모빌리티를 위한 탈부착 모듈 및 안드로이드 응용 개발, 2020년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, Online, Korea, Nov, 2020.
62. 서준호, 황보승우, 천지완, 소현섭, 김민석, 양루, 김동균, IoTivity 오픈소스 기반 스마트 홈 서비스 아키텍쳐 설계 및 구현, 2019년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, Pyeongchang, Korea, Aug, 2020.
61. 소현섭, 천지완, 황보승우, 위즈하오, 서준호, 양루, 김동균, UWB 기반 실내 측위 시스템의 혼잡 회피를 위한 다중 Tag 노드 스케줄링 기법, 2019년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, Seoul, Korea, Nov, 2019.
60. 배정한, 심재서, 이주환, 이강일, 김민석, 서준호, 이성원, 김동균, UWB 기반의 위치 제공 서비스를 위한 웹 시스템 아키텍처에 관한 연구, 2019년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, Jeju, Korea, June, 2019.
59. 서준호, 김민석, 이성원, 김동균, 적은 네트워크 오버헤드를 소모하여 중복 주소 감지를 수행하는 IoUT를 위한 클러스터 헤더 선정 기법, 2019년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회, Pyeongchang, Korea, Jan, 2019.
58. 정용환, 이성원, 김민석, 배영준, 서준호, 김수경, 김희진, 서세정, 김동균, 에너지 효율적인 스마트 팜을 위한 LoRa 기반의 분산 전송 MAC 프로토콜, 한국정보과학회 KSC2018, Pyeongchang, Korea, December, 2018.
57. 김수경, 김희진, 서세정, 이성원, 정용환, 서준호, 김동균, 응용 신뢰성 향상을 위한 LoRa 기반 스마트 팜 시스템 모델 및 수집된 정보 업데이트 기법, 2018년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, Seoul, Korea, June, 2018.
56. 서준호, 정용환, 김민석, 배영준, 이성원, 김동균, 수중 서비스 지향적 네트워크에서 경로 복구를 위한 다중 필터 기반 릴레이 노드 선정 기법, 2018년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, Jeju, Korea, June, 2018.
55. 정용환, 이성원, 배영준, 김동균, 중첩된 플러딩 영역이 발생하는 수중 센서 네트워크에서 신뢰성 향상을 위한 하이브리드 라우팅 프로토콜, 2018년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회, Korea, January, 2018.
54. 배영준, 권나영, 강가현, 고지현, 권용준, 박형철, 이성원, 김동균, BLE 기반 자전거 보행자 간 안전 응용을 위한 브로드캐스트 채널들의 링크 품질과 혼잡도를 고려한 비콘 전송 기법, 한국정보과학회 KSC 2017, Pusan, Korea, December, 2017.
53. 박형철, 이성원, 배영준, 조영래, 황연우, 김정훈, 윤재호, 김동균, 자전거 보행자 간 안전 응용의 신뢰성 향상을 위한 BLE 기반 CSMA 기법, 한국정보과학회 KSC 2017, Pusan, Korea, December, 2017.
52. 권나영, 강가현, 고지현, 권용준, 배영준, 박형철, 이성원, 김동균, BLE 기반 자전거 보행자 간 안전 응용을 위한 브로드캐스트 채널들의 링크 품질을 고려한 비콘 전송 기법, 2017년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, Daegu, Korea, November, 2017.
51. 조영래, 황연우, 김정훈, 윤재호, 배영준, 박형철, 이성원, 김동균, BLE 기반 자전거 보행자 간 안전 응용 시나리오에서 CSMA 적용을 위한 Persistent 방식들의 성능 분석, 2017년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, Daegu, Korea, November, 2017.
50. 김명준, 손은호, 전현하, 정문주, 이성원, 정용환, 김동균, 신뢰성 있는 커넥티드 카 응용을 위한 예비 그룹 기반 그룹 분열 대처 기법, 2017년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, Jeju Island, June, Korea, 2017.
49. 박형철, 이성원, 고성호, 김하영, 강수빈, 김은현, 황도은, 김동균, Bluetooth Low Energy 기반 자전거 보행자 간 안전 응용 설계 및 구현, 2017년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, Jeju Island, June, Korea, 2017.
48. 고성호, 김은현, 김하영, 강수빈, 황도은, 이성원, 박형철, 김동균, 자전거 보행자 간 안전 응용을 위한 Bluetooth Low Energy 기반 통신 시나리오와 BLE 비콘 프레임 설계, 한국정보과학회 KCC 2017, Jeju Island, Korea, June, Korea, 2017.
47. 박형철, 문은배, 이성원, 김동균, Wi-Fi Direct를 이용한 차량 및 보행자 안전 응용 설계 및 구현, 2017년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회, January, 2017.
46. 문은배, 이성원, 무디샤오, 이동하, 문왕종, 김정환, 성지원, 정영진, 김동균, 그룹 분열에 대처할 수 있는 주행 신뢰성 기반 그룹리더 재선출 기법, 2016년도 대한임베디드공학회 추계종합학술대회, November 2016.
45. 우효원, 김현욱, 이주영, 이채현, 최우용, 최현지, 이성원, 김동균, Open Map API 기반 최적의 커넥티드 카 서비스 제공자 탐지 시스템, 2016년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, June 2016.
44. 문은배, 정용환, 이성원, 김영덕, 김동균, 웹 지도 API를 활용한 무인 자율 주행 자동차 경로 안내 모듈 개발, 2016년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, June 2016.
43. 무디샤오, 무하메드 아즈파르 야쿱, 김동균, 무선네트워크에서의 에너지 소비를 기반으로 한 혼잡 감지 개선 방법, 2016년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회, January 2016.
42. 김민석, 이성원, 김성현, 김동균, 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서 에너지 효율과 성능 향상을 위한 OFDM을 이용한 X-MAC 프로토콜, 2015년도 한국음향학회 추계학술발표대회, November 2015.
41. 정용환, 박준환, 이성원, 홍용근, 김동균, RPL에서 병합 DIO 메시지를 활용한 응용에 최적화된 경로 복구 메트릭 전달 기법, 2015년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, June 2015.
40. 김민석, 김성현, 김영덕, 이성원, 김동균, IEEE 802.11 MAC 프로토콜의 공정성 향상을 위한 EDLI 충돌 윈도우 조절 기법, 2015년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, June 2015.
39. 권구형, 김광현, 이성원, 김동균, 차량 애드 혹 네트워크에서 높이 정보를 이용한 위치 기반 라우팅 프로토콜, 2015년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, June 2015.
38. 정용환, 박준환, 이성원, 홍용근, 김동균, IoT 네트워크를 위한 라우팅 프로토콜 성능 비교, 한국정보과학회 학술심포지움 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅과 웹 정보기술(UCWIT2014), Nomember 2014.
37. 김성현, 이성원, 김동균, 무선 센서 노드를 위한 RI-MAC 기반 기회적인 Wake-up 스케줄 관리 프로토콜, 한국정보과학회 하계컴퓨터통신 워크샵(SWCC), August 2014.
36. Safdar Hussain Bouk, Syed Hassan Ahmed, 김동균, Vehicular Information Centric Networking: Research Challenges, 한국통신학회 하계종합학술대회, June 2014.
35. 박준환, 이성원, 이상국, 김동균, QoS 를 고려하여 플러딩 영역을 조절하는 수중 무선 센서 네트워크용 라우팅 프로토콜, 한국정보과학회 KCC, June 2014.
34. 김광현, 이성원, 홍용근, 김동균, VANET 환경에서 차량 인프라 간 연결 재설정 시간을 고려한 TCP 재전송 기법, 한국통신학회 동계종합학술대회, January 2014.
33. 김성현, 이성원, 김동균, Wi-Fi Direct에서의 에너지 효율적인 통신 기법 : 서베이, UCWIT 2013, November 2013.
32. 김광현, 이성원, 김동균, VANET에서의 TCP 성능 향상에 관한 서베이, 제40회 추계학술발표대회, November 2013.
31. Asanka Sayakkara, Dongkyun Kim, A Survey on Multipath Protocols for VANET, 2013년도 하계종합합술발표회, June 2013.
30. 유홍석, 황제윤, 김동균, 응급 메시지 전파를 위한 VANET 브로드캐스트 기법의 성능평가, 제 23회 통신정보 합동학술대회(JCCI 2013)
29. 이성원, 정홍종, 김동균, M2M 응용을 위한 멀티 인터페이스 ITS 단말의 인터페이스 선정 및 유지 기법, 제 23회 통신정보 합동학술대회(JCCI 2013)
28. 이성원, 이상국, 김동균, 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서 수심 정보에 기반한 하이브리드 라우팅 프로토콜, 한국정보과학회 하계컴퓨터통신 워크샾(SWCC 2012), pp. 6-8, 2012.
27. 최인범, 김동균, 저전력 무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 비동기식 임무 주기 매체 접근 제어 프로토콜의 패킷 충돌 해결기법 연구, 2012 한국산업정보학회 춘계학술대회, pp. 58-61
26. 김진홍, 유홍석, 김동균, 차량통신에서 네트워크 코딩을 적용한 신뢰성 있는 안전 메시지 반복 전송 기법 : 서베이, 2012 한국ITS학회 춘계학술대회, pp. 142-145
25. 신동승, 이성원, 이상국, 김동균, 무선 센서 네트워크에서 계층적 주소 기반 TCP ACK 병합 기법, 한국정보과학회 하계컴퓨터통신 워크샾(SWCC 2011), pp. 142-145, 2011년 8월 26일.(우수논문 수상)
24. 이성원, 신동승, 이상국, 김동균, 수중 센서 네트워크에서 ACK Aggregation을 이용한 대역폭 절약 기법, 2011년 춘계학술대회 및 제 26회 수중음향학 학술발표회
23. 이성원, 신동승, 이상국, 김동균, 경로 설정 과정에서 Hello 메시지전송을 가변적으로 조절하는 수중센서 네트워크용 라우팅 프로토콜, 한국통신학회 2011 년도 동계종합학술발표회
22. 신동승, 김동균, 이상국, 수중 센서 네트워크에서 신뢰성 있는 메시지 전달을 위한 멀티캐스트 프로토콜, 2010년 국방과학연구소 창설 40주년 기념 종합학술대회
21. 신동승, 김행복, 김동균, 이상국, 수중 센서 네트워크를 위한 낮은 오버헤드를 가지는 영역 비중첩 다중 경로 라우팅 프로토콜, 2010년 한국음향학회 춘계학술발표대회 및 수중음향학 학술발표회, pp. 12.
20. 유홍석, 심문주, 김동균, 이석진, 김규형, 무선 센서 네트워크에서 부하분배를 위한 gradient 기반의 라우팅 프로토콜, 2009년 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, pp. 233.
19. 조용진, 정홍종, 김동균, 유관우, 무선메쉬 네트워크 구조에서 궤적 정보를 이용한 라우팅 메트릭, 2009년 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, pp. 145.
18. 심문주, 신동승, 김동균, 데이터 병합을 이용한 노변기지국간 통신기법, 2009년 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, pp. 114.
17. 유홍석, 신동승, 김동균, 노변 기지국의 효율적인 도로교통정보 수집을 위한 piggybacking 기반의 차량간 협업통신 기법, 2009년 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회, pp. 109.
16. 심문주, 신동승, 유홍석, 김동균, u-Transportation 환경에서 운영비용을 고려한 무선 메쉬 네트워크 설계, SWCC2009 하계컴퓨터통신워크샵, pp. 148-150.
15. 신동승, 김동균, 손권, 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서의 다중 경로 라우팅 프로토콜 성능 평가 , 2009년 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, pp. 43.
14. 유홍석, 신동승, 김동균, VANET에서의 신뢰성 있는 비컨 전송을 위한 반복 기반 브로드캐스트 프로토콜, 2009년 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, pp. 78.
13. 신동승, 유홍석, 김동균, 차량간 애드 혹 네트워크에서 ACK 응답을 이용한 브로드캐스트 신뢰성 향 상 기법 연구, 2008년 정보통신분야학회 합동학술대회, pp. 153-155, 2008.
12. 황대엽, 신동승, 김동균, 도경철, 혼잡 제어를 위한 수중 센서 네트워크용 트랜스포트 프로토콜, 2008년 한국음향학회 추계학술발표대회 pp. 33
11. 신동승, 황대엽, 김동균, 도경철, 무선 센서 네트워크용 트랜스포트 프로토콜의 수중환경 적용 가능성 연구, 2008년 한국음향학회 제23회 수중음향학 학술발표회, 2008, pp. 1-6.
10. 백승훈, 정홍종, 김동균, 수중 센서네트워크 라우팅 프로토콜 설계를 위한 고려사항, 2007년 한국음향학회 추계학술발표대회 pp. 117
9. 정홍종, 김동균, IPv6 코어 망에서의 IPv4 노드 이동성 지원 방안, 2007년 한국정보처리학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집 제14권 제1호
8. 유홍석, 김동균, 이동 애드 혹 네트워크에서 이질적인 전송범위를 지원하기 위한 상태없는 브로드캐스팅, 2006년 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 pp. 357
7. 정어진, 김동균, 무선 애드 혹 네트워크 환경을 위한 효율적인 주소 할당 방법, 2006년 한국인터넷 정보학회 춘계학술발표대회 pp. 85
6. 송점기, 유홍석, 김정식, 김동균, 이동 Ad-hoc 네트워크에서의 SCTP 성능 분석, 2005년 추계 한국통신학회 pp. 228
5. 정어진, 백승훈, 김동균, 무선 애드혹 네트워크 환경을 위한 오버레이 멀티캐스트 트리 생성 알고리즘, 2005년 한국인터넷정보학회 추계학술발표대회 pp. 265
4. 심은숙, 김동균, 에드혹 네트웍에서의 전력제어 MAC 프로토콜 향상, 2004년 추계 정보과학회 pp. 220
3. 송점기, 정홍종, 김동균, 김병엽, Peer-to-Peer 응용을 위한 모바일 에드혹 라우팅 프로토콜, 2004년 추계 정보과학회 pp. 697
2. 류기철, 심은숙, 김동균 외 3명, End-to-End 네트워크 성능향상을 위한 자동화된 TCP Buffer Tuning 기술 개발, KOSTI Workshop 2003 (대전 kisti) pp. 366-382
1. 류기철, 심은숙, 김동균 외 3명, Hybrid TCP Buffer Tuning 기술 개발, 2003년 추계 통신학회 pp. 237
Domestic Patents
25. 상황 인식 기반 자원 할당 방법 및 이를 지원하는 시스템 , 발명자 : 김동균, 무함마드아샤르타리크, 말릭무함마드사드, 김성현, 출원일자 : 2025.01.20 (한국), 출원번호 : 10-2025-0007889 (한국).
24. NR-V2X 시스템에서 적응형 리소스 스케줄링을 위한 AI 지원 온보드 유닛 , 발명자 : 김동균, 무함마드아샤르타리크, 말릭무함마드사드, 김성현, 출원일자 : 2025.01.16 (한국), 출원번호 : 10-2025-0006853 (한국, 가출원).
23. 차량단말과 무선단말 간의 메시지 전송 장치 및 방법 , 발명자 : 김동균, 말릭무함마드사드, 전동현, 출원일자 : 2024.01.25 (한국), 출원번호 : 10-2024-0011319 (한국).
22. 폐쇄회로 영상을 활용한 안전 인식 알림방법, 발명자 : 김동균, 김성현, 무함마드아샤르타리크, 출원일자 : 2024.01.24 (한국), 출원번호 : 10-2024-0011172 (한국).
21. 실내 측위 장치 및 방법 , 발명자 : 김동균, 양루, 위즈하오, 천지완, 황보승우, 서준호, 소현섭, 등록일자 : 2022.04.27 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-2392864 (한국).
20. 위치정보 서비스 장치 및 방법 , 발명자 : 김동균, 이성원, 김민석, 서준호, 배정한, 심재서, 이강일, 이주환, 출원일자 : 2020. 03. 11 (한국), 등록일자 : 2021.07.27 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-2284618 (한국).
19. 정보 갱신 요청 메시지 수신을 가능하게 하는 로라(LoRa) 통신 시스템 및 그 방법 (APPLICATION RELIABILITY ENHANCEMENT AND ENERGY EFFICIENT LORA CLASS D AND DISTRIBUTED TRANSPORT MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL (MAC) PROTOCOLS FOR LORA-BASED SMART FARM), 발명자 : 김동균, 정용환, 김민석, 서준호, 김수경, 김희진, 서세정, 등록일자 : 2020.12.29 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-2198508 (한국).
18. 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서 듀티 사이클을 조절하기 위한 방법 (METHOD FOR SCHEDULING DUTY CYCLE FOR UNDERWATER WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS), 발명자 : 김동균, 배영준, 사예드 하산 아흐메드, 무하마드 토아하 라자 칸, 무하마 드 아즈파르 야쿱 , 등록일자 : 2020.10.26 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-2171972 (한국).
17. 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서 듀티 사이클을 조절하기 위한 방법 (METHOD FOR SCHEDULING DUTY CYCLE FOR UNDERWATER WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS), 발명자 : 김동균, 박형철, 무하마드 아즈파르 야쿱, 무하마드 토아하 라자 칸, 사예드 하산 아흐메드, 등록일자 : 2019. 09. 18 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-2024578 (한국).
16. RFID 리더기와 상기 RFID 리더기를 포함하는 냉장고의 물품 정보 제공 시스템의 작동 방법 (RFID READER DEVICE AND METHOD FOR SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING REFRIGERATOR ARTICLE INFORMATION HAVING THE SAME), 발명자 : 김동균, 신정수, 김태수, 이동하, 이원영, 박형철, 등록일자 : 2020. 11. 10 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-2179382 (한국).
15. 자율 주행 시스템에서의 그룹 리더 선정 방법 (METHOD FOR ELECTING THE GROUP LEADER IN AUTONOMOUS DRIVING SYSTEM), 발명자 : 김동균, 이성원, 문은배, 이동하, 정영진, 김정환, 문왕종, 무디샤오, 성지원, 등록일자 : 2019. 04. 16 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1971333 (한국).
14. 무선 센서 네트워크에서 센서 노드 간의 스케쥴링 전달 방법 (Method for scheduling delivery between sensor nodes of the Wireless Sensor Network), 발명자 : 김동균, 이성원, 김성현, 등록일자 : 2018. 05. 14 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1859848 (한국).
13. CCN 기반의 교통 단속 시스템 및 그 방법(ENFORCING TRAFFIC TICKETING SYSTEM BASED ON CONTENT CENTRIC NETWORKS), 발명자 : 김동균, 아흐메드 사예드 하산(Ahmed Syed Hassan), 북 사프다르 후세인(Bouk Safdar Hussain), 무하메드 아즈팔 야쿱(Muhammad Azfar Yaqub), 출원일자 : 2016. 07. 07 (한국), 출원번호 : 10-2016-0085963 (한국).
12. 전송 공정성을 고려한 충돌 회피 기능을 갖는 무선 네트워크 및 그 패킷 전송 방법(Wireless network having a function of collision avoidance considering fairness and method for packet transmission), 발명자 : 김동균, 이성원, 등록일자 : 2016. 01. 20 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1586285 (한국).
11. 모바일 단말장치, 그룹형성 방법 및 안전메시지 전송방법(Mobile terminal apparatus, Group forming method and Safe message transmission method), 발명자 : 김동균, 이성원, 등록일자 : 2016. 01. 13 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1586916 (한국).
10. WAVE 통신용 보행자 단말장치 및 차량 단말장치, 그리고 이의 통신방법(WAVE communication based walker terminal apparatus and vehicle terminal apparatus, Method for communication thereof), 발명자 : 김동균, 이성원, 등록일자 : 2015. 08. 20 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1547768 (한국).
9. 차량의 메시지 포워딩 시스템(System for forwarding of vehicular message), 발명자 : 김동균, 유홍석, 등록일자 : 2014. 07. 10 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1420530 (한국).
8. 네트워크 코딩을 이용한 차량간 비콘 메시지 송수신 방법 및 시스템(Method and system for vehicular communication of beacon message using network coding), 발명자 : 김동균, 유홍석, 김진홍, 등록일자 : 2014. 07. 10 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1420529 (한국).
7. 전송 노드 및 그것의 메시지 전송 방법(MESSAGE TRANSMISSION APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING MESSAGE THEREOF), 발명자 : 김동균, 유홍석, 등록일자 : 2013. 05. 02 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1262326 (한국).
6. 다중 경로 설정 장치 및 방법(APPARATUS FOR SETTING MULTIPATH AND METHOD THEREOF), 발명자 : 박정수, 김형준, 김동균, 등록일자 : 2013. 04. 15 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1256687 (한국).
5. 센서 네트워크에서의 다중 경로 소스 라우팅 방법(Method for multipath source routing in sensor network), 발명자 : 김정식, 김광수, 김규형, 오수택, 정홍종, 강현우, 김동균, 등록일자 : 2012. 08. 30 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1179919 (한국).
4. 노변 기지국의 비컨 메시지 수집을 위한 집약 기반 차량 노드간 협업 통신 방법(An aggregation-based cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle communication protocol for beacon collection of road-side unit and system at the same), 발명자 : 김동균, 유홍석, 신동승, 등록일자 : 2012. 07. 24 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1169737 (한국).
3. 차량 애드 혹 네트워크 시스템의 노드를 위한 섹터 기반 메시징 방향 판단 방법(A Sector-based Method of Messaging Direction Decision in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks), 발명자 : 김동균, 신동승, 유홍석, 등록일자 : 2011. 11. 11 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-1084536 (한국).
2. 위치 좌표 값을 이용한 센서노드 아이디 생성 방법(method for generating sensor node ID by using position coordinates value), 발명자 : 김동균, 정홍종, 김진철, 등록일자 : 2009. 11. 5 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-0926474 (한국).
1. 피어-투-피어 응용을 위한 자원 검색 방법(RESOURCE SEARCH METHOD FOR PEER TO PEER APPLICATION), 발명자 : 김병엽, 정홍종, 김동균, 송점기, 등록일자 : 2007. 3. 12 (한국), 등록번호 : 10-0696206 (한국).
Domestic Books
2. 김동균 외, NS-2 네트워크 시뮬레이터의 활용, 홍릉과학출판사, 2008.
1. 김동균 외, 훤히 보이는 RFID/USN, 전자신문사, 2008.
Software Registrations
45.김동균,정보미,김수,셀프리 네트워크에서 밀집도 기반 마스터 에이피 선택 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어,C-2025-003698,2025-01-23,경북대학교 산학협력단.
44.김동균,김수,전동현,엔트립 기반 실시간 이동측위 보정 위성항법시스템 데이터 전송 소프트웨어,C-2024-053038,2024-12-16,경북대학교 산학협력단.
43.김동균,조의리,말릭무함마드사드,차량 간 브로드캐스팅 통신 시뮬레이터,C-2024-037924,2024-10-18,경북대학교 산학협력단.
42.김동균,말릭무함마드사드,조의리,서준호,C-V2X Mode 4(셀룰러-차량간통신 모드 4)를 위한 협업 심층 강화 학습,C-2024-033939,2024-09-26,경북대학교 산학협력단.
41.김동균,말릭무함마드사드,조의리,서준호,NR-V2X(NR차량간통신) 서브 6GHz 대역 V2X 시뮬레이터,C-2024-033938,2024-09-26,경북대학교 산학협력단.
40.김동균,,와이파이 기반 차량근접 안전 알림 서비스,,경북대학교 산학협력단.
39.김동균,,답례품 등록 및 출고 관리 시스템,경북대학교 산학협력단.
38.김동균,,차량 네트워크에서 위치 프라이버시 보호를 위한 보안 준수 및 RSU(기지국) 미의존 pseudonym(익명) 교환 기법,경북대학교 산학협력단.
37.김동균,,VANET의 네트워크 커버리지 향상을 위한 최적의 UAV 배치 ,경북대학교 산학협력단.
36.김동균,,UAV 지원을 통한 VANET의 협업 네트워크 커버리지 상향,경북대학교 산학협력단.
35.김동균,무하마드토아하라자칸,마흐무둘이슬람,무함마드아샤르타리크,말릭무함마드사드,서준호수중 사물 인터넷(IoUT)를 위한 CoAP(Constrained Application Protocol),C-2021-035001,2021-08-31,경북대학교 산학협력단.
34.김동균,서준호,양루,이종혁,이종률,임재환,남현수,전동 운송수단을 포함하는 스마트 퍼스널 모빌리티를 위한 탈부착 모듈 및 안드로이드 응용 개발,C-2020-053398,2020-12-30,경북대학교 산학협력단.
33.김동균,서준호,양루,소현섭,천지완,황보승우,IoTivity 오픈소스 프레임워크 기반 스마트 홈 응용 및 이를 제어하는 안드로이드 응용 프로그램,C-2020-028371,2020-08-21,경북대학교 산학협력단.
32.김동균,서준호,다중 Tag를 활용하는 UWB 실내 측위 기반 조명 제어 시스템,C-2019-043681,2019-12-30,경북대학교 산학협력단.
31.김동균,김민석,서준호,배정한,심재서,이강일,이주환,사용자 편의성을 제공하는 웹 서비스 기반 UWB 실내 측위 시스템,C-2019-019403,2019-07-11,경북대학교 산학협력단.
30. 김동균,수중 무선 사물 인터넷(Internet of Underwater Things, IoUT)을 위한 수신측 시작 기반 에너지 효율적인 듀티 사이클링,C-2019-010156,2019-04-10,경북대학교 산학협력단.
29. 김동균,정용환,김민석,서준호,김수경,김희진,서세정,스마트 팜을 위한 로라(LoRa) 기반 원격 솔레노이드 밸브 제어 프로그램,C-2018-037936,2018-12-13,경북대학교 산학협력단.
28. 김동균, 무하마드 토아하 라자 칸, 사예드 하산 아흐메드, 배영준, 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서 자율 무인 차량(AUV)의 보조를 통한 에너지 효율 클러스터링(AEC)의 성능 평가를 위한 시뮬레이션 프로그램, C-2018-025179, 2018-09-20, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
27. 김동균, 루이스 암위네, 무하마드 토아하 라자 칸, 무하마드 아즈파르 야쿱, 배영준, 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서 에너지 효율성을 고려한 수신자 기반의 듀티 사이클 맥 프로토콜(RIED)의 성능 평가를 위한 시뮬레이션 프로그램, C-2018-002954, 2018-01-31, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
26. 김동균, 배영준, 박형철, 이성원, 강가현, 고지현, 권나영, 권용준, 네트워크 시뮬레이터-3(NS-3)에서 저전력 블루투스를 기반으로 한 채널 링크 품질과 혼잡도를 고려한 비콘 전송 주기 스케줄링 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2018-000737, 2018-01-08, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
25. 김동균, 박형철, 이성원, 배영준, 조영래, 황연우, 김정훈, 윤재호, 네트워크 시뮬레이터-3(NS-3)에서의 반송파 감지 다중 접속(CSMA) 기반 저전력 블루투스(Bluetooth Low Energy) 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2018-000276, 2018-01-03, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
24. 김동균, 박형철, 이성원, 정용환, 배영준, NS-3에서의 BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) 모듈과 BLE 기반 안전 응용 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2017-034686, 2017-12-20, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
23. 김동균, 정용환, 무하마드 아즈파르 야쿱, 사예드 하산 아흐메드, 이웃 노드 지원 요청 : 셀룰러 네트워크와의 협력적 통신을 활용한 차량 애드 혹 네트워크의 비디오 검색 기법 성능 평가 프로그램, C-2017-031717, 2017-12-05, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
22. 김동균, 박형철, 무하마드 아즈파르 야쿱, 무하마드 토아하 라자 칸, 사예드 하산 아흐메드, 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서 웨이크업 시간을 고려한 동적 듀티 사이클 맥 프로토콜(NeWT)의 성능평가를 위한 시뮬레이션 프로그램, C-2017-031715, 2017-12-05, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
21. 김동균, 박형철, 무하마드 아즈파르 야굽, 사예드 하산 아흐메드, 무하마드 토아하 라자 칸, 수중 무선 센서 네트워크에서 잔여 에너지를 고려한 수신자 기반의 동적 듀티 사이클 맥 프로토콜(RidE)의 성능평가를 위한 시뮬레이션 프로그램, C-2017-021058, 2017-09-01, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
20. 김동균, 이성원, 박형철, 고성호, 김하영, 강수빈, 김은현, Bluetooth Low Energy 기반 자전거 보행자 간 안전 응용, C-2017-015449, 2017-06-30, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
19. 김동균, 이성원, 정용환, 전현하, 정문주, 손은호, 김명준, 커넥티드 카 그룹 분열에 미리 대처하는 주행 경로 기반 예비 그룹 설정 방법, C-2017-013816, 2017-06-15, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
18. 김동균, 박형철, 이원영, 이동하, 김태수, 신정수, 스마트화 냉장고 기반 물품 정보 모니터링 및 유통기한 알림 앱, C-2017-013815, 2017-06-15, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
17. 김동균, 이성원, 문은배, 박형철, 차량 위치 정보 기반 충돌 위험 판단 및 팝업 알림 보행자 보호 앱, C-2016-034023, 2016-12-23, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
16. 김동균, 이성원, 문은배, 문왕종, 정영진, 김정환, 성지원, 차량 정보 기반 커넥티드 카 그룹 리더 선정 소프트웨어 및 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2016-034022, 2016-12-23, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
15. 김동균,정용환, 알피엘(RPL) 라우팅 프로토콜에서 노드의 운영 모드 선정 기법 , C-2016-024760, 2016-10-20, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
14. 김동균, 무디샤오, 차량지연내성망에서 데이터 수신 기법, C-2016-024700, 2016-10-19, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
13. 김동균, 이성원, 이채현, 최현지, 최우용, 차량 주행 정보 기반 커넥티드 카 서비스 제공자 선정 소프트웨어 라이브러리, C-2016-021803, 2016-09-07, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
12. 김동균, 이성원, 김현욱, 이주영, 우효원, 빙 오픈 맵 인터페이스 기반 차량 주행정보 획득 및 교환 소프트웨어 라이브러리, C-2016-021802, 2016-09-07, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
11. 김동균, 이성원, 보행자 단말 간 그룹 오너 선출기법 시뮬레이터-2(NS-2) 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2015-032009, 2015-12-17, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
10. 김동균, 김광현, 이성원, 전기전자기술자협회 802.11 피옵션(IEEE 802.11p) 비컨메시지 반복 전송기법 성능평가를 위한 시뮬레이터-2(NS-2) 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2015-032008, 2015-12-17, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
9. 김동균,박준환,이성원, 수중 센서 네트워크에서 방향성 있는 플러딩 기반 라우팅 프로토콜을 대상으로 한 패킷 전송 지연 성능 평가를 위한 네트워크 시뮬레이터 라이브러리, C-2015-031708, 2015-12-9, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
8. 김성현, 이성원, 김동균, 와이파이 다이렉트(Wi-Fi Direct)의 표준 에너지 저약 프로토콜인 엔오에시(NOA, Notice of Absence), 오피스(OPS, Opportunistic Power Save) 프로토콜의 성능 평가를 위한 네트워크 시뮬레이터-2(NS-2) 시뮬
레이터 라이브러리, C-2013-028432, 2013-12-23, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
7. 유홍석,김동균, 아이트리플이(IEEE) 1609.4 다중채널 동작의 네트워크 시뮬레이터-2(ns-2) 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2013-028431, 2013-12-23, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
6. 김동균,김진홍,유홍석, 차량 간 거리 기반의 네트워크 코딩을 이용한 안전 메시지 재전송 기법의 성능 평가를 위한 엔에스-2(ns-2) 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2012-024582, 2012-12-05, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
5. 김동균,유홍석, 응급 메시지 전파를 위한 브로드캐스트 프로토콜의 성능 평가를 위한 엔에스-2(ns-2) 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, C-2012-024581, 2012-12-05, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
4. 유홍석,김동균, 반복 기반 브로드캐스트 포로토콜의 성능 평가를 위한 ns-2 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, 2011-01-249-008490, 2011-12-01, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
3. 김재성, 김동균, VANET에서 다중 채널 MAC 프로토콜 NS-2 시뮬레이션 라이브러리, 2011-01-249-008489, 2011-12-01, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
2. 유홍석, 김동균, UVS가 주기적으로 전송하는 메시지를 UIS에서 효율적으로 수집하기 위한 UVS간 협업통신 프로토콜 SW, 2010-01-199-007376, 2010-11-26, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
1. 신동승, 김동균, 긴급메시지를 신뢰성 있게 전파하는 멀티홉 브로드캐스트 라우팅 소프트웨어, 2010-01-242-007375, 2010-11-26, 경북대학교 산학협력단.
Ph.D Dissertations
10. Sungwon Lee, Consistency-based Path Recovery and Congestion Detection Protocols in Low Power and Lossy Networks, December 2019.
9. Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Robust Video Data Sharing in Connected Cars, June 2019.
8. Syed Hassan Ahmed, Robust Content Retrieval in Future Vehicular Networks, June, 2017.
7. Hyunwoo Kang, Context-aware Network Coded Transmission in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, December, 2016.
6. Yongjoon Jun, System architecture design and implementation for smart healthcare based on reasoning engine, June, 2016.
5. Young-Duk Kim, A QoS-Aware Cross-layer Routing Protocol with Channel Estimation and Adaptive Backoff in Wireless Sensor Networks, June, 2014.
4. Kyuhyung Kim, A Study on Hierarchical Multipath Asymmetric Routing Protocol for the Large-scale Sensor Cloud, June, 2014.
3. Hongseok Yoo, Fast and Robust Message Dissemination based on Forwarding Priority in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, December, 2013.
2. Abdul Wahid, Energy-Efficient Distance based Routing Protocols in Underwater Sensor Networks, June, 2013.
1. Hong-Jong Jeong, Efficient Multicast Delivery Scheme for Minimizing Distribution Delay in Multi-interface Wireless Mesh Networks, June, 2013.
Master Thesis
31. Yang Ru, Junction selection based on optimal-weighted multiple attributes for VANETs, December, 2022.
30. Abdueli Paulo Mdee, Location Privacy Preservation Using Swappable and Non-swappable Pseudonyms in VANETs, June, 2022.
29. Md. Mahmudul Islam, Dynamic Placement of UAVs to Improve Network Coverage in VANETs, December, 2021.
28. Junho Seo, CoAP Congestion Control Scheme based on Number of Confirmable Message Retransmissions in IoUT, December, 2019.
27. Leshov Nikolai, Privacy preserving in tactical named data networking, June, 2019.
26. Yeongjoon Bae, Path Quality based Spurious Retransmission Minimization over Flooding based Routing in UWSN, December, 2018.
25. Louis Amwine, Receiver-Initiated MAC based on Energy-efficient Duty Cycling for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, June, 2018.
24. Hyeongcheol Park, Enhanced CSMA for Safety Application using Bluetooth Low Energy, December, 2017.
23. Eunbae Moon, Efficient Path Recovery in Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks, June, 2017.
22. Yonghwan Jeong, MOP Selection Methods Considering RPL Based IoT Networks QoS, December, 2016.
21. Dixiao Mu, Outage-time Minimization Using Multiple Relays in Vehicular DTNs, December, 2016.
20. Sunghyun Kim, Towards Energy Efficient Wireless Senor Networks via Wake-up Schedule Exchange Among the Neighbors, December, 2016.
19. Guhyoung Kwon, Position-freshness Based Intermediate Node Filtering for VANET, June, 2016.
18. Gwanghyeon Kim, RBRC: A Request Based Adaptive Beacon Rate Control Scheme for Vehicular Safety Applications, June, 2016
17. Junhwan Park, Directional Flooding-based Routing Protocol to Support End-to-end Reliability, December, 2015.
16. Je-Yun Hwang, A Traffic-Aware Adaptive Power Saving Scheme for Wi-Fi Direct Networks, December, 2013.
15. In-beom Choi, Collision-Aware Self-Scheduling Asynchronous Duty Cycle MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, December, 2012.
14. Jinhong Kim, DNCR: A distance-based network coded repetition scheme for vehicular ad-hoc networks, December, 2012
13. Sungwon Lee, Methods for enhancing TCP performance considering the Duplicate ACK Explosion Problem with Flooding-based Routing Protocols in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, December, 2011.
12. Daesung Kim, Density-aware Dynamic Channel Allocation for Safety Messaging in VANETs, December, 2011.
11. Moonjoo Shim, An Energy-efficient MAC Protocol using Dynamic Duty-cycles for Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting, December, 2010.
10. Hyunwoo Kang, Vector Routing Protocols for Delay Tolerant Networks, December, 2008
9. Daeyoup Hwang, Directional Flooding-Based Routing Protocol in Underwater Sensor Networks, December, 2008
8. Sutaek Oh, A Scalable Multipath Source Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, December, 2007.
7. Hongseok Yoo, Improving TCP Performance in Ad-hoc Networks with CWL and Delayed ACK, June, 2007.
6. Uhjin Joung, IP Address Autoconfiguration Mechanisms in Mobile Ad hoc Networksm, December, 2006.
5. Joungsik Kim, Multi-interface Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks, December, 2006.
4. Jeomki Song, The Applicability of SCTP Considering Multiple Interface to Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, December, 2005.
3. Hong-Jong Jeong, Overlay Small Group Multicast Mechanism for MANET, December, 2005.
2. Hanseok Bae, Improving TCP-Vegas performance over Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, July, 2005.
1. Gichul Yoo, A Low-cost routing protocol to support sensor nodes requesting different update rates, December, 2004.