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Professor Dongkyun Kim has been ranked among the world's top 2% of researchers in 2022 and 2023.
| Administrator | 2024.01.25 | 5329 |
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Our alumnus Byungchan Yea has received a Ministerial Commendation from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. 연구실 동문 예병찬 대표님이 중소벤처기업부 장관표창을 수상하셨습니다.
| Administrator | 2023.10.21 | 17687 |
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Our alumnus Muhammad Azfar Yaqub has been appointed at the Free University of Bolzano, Italy.
| Administrator | 2023.05.07 | 10281 |
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Professor Dongkyun Kim has been included in the 2022 Elsevier top 2% global researchers list.
| Administrator | 2023.03.23 | 10818 |