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저희 연구실 동문 예병찬 블루브레인 대표님이 '2023 중소기업 기술경영 혁신대전'에서 기술보호 유공자로 선정되어 중소벤처기업부 장관표창을 수상하셨습니다.

예병찬 대표님의 기술보호 유공자 선정은 두 번째로, 2017년에도 기술보호 유공자로 선정된 바가 있습니다.


- 지능형 네트워크 연구실(김동균 교수) 소속, 정보보호학 박사과정 수료
- 블루브레인 대표
- 전, 한국인터넷진흥원(KISA) ISMS 인증 심사원
- 현, 한국인터넷진흥원(KISA) 사이버보안전문단
- 현, 중소벤처기업부 기술보호울타리(대중소기업농어업협력재단) 기술보호 전문가


2023 기술경영 혁신대전
- 유공자 명단
- 시상식 영상 


Our alumnus Byungchan Yea, the CEO of  BlueBrain Co., has been honored as a distinguished contributor to technology protection at the '2023 SME Technology Management Innovation Expo'. He was awarded the Ministerial Commendation from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

This is the second time Byungchan Yea has been recognized for his significant contributions to technology protection, with the first being in 2017.


- Affiliated with the Intelligent Network Research Lab under Professor Kim Dongkyun; completed the doctoral program in Information Security.
- CEO of  BlueBrain Co., Ltd.
- Former evaluator for the ISMS certification at the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA).
- Currently a member of KISA's Cybersecurity Expert Group.
- Currently a technology protection expert for the 'Technology Protection Fence' initiative by the Foundation for Cooperation among Large, Medium, Small-sized Enterprises, and Agriculture, Fisheries.


2023 SME Technology Management Innovation Expo

- List of Honorees
- Awards Ceremony Video